A Deal is Struck

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"How would you two feel about this? Miss Lauser has free tuition all this year, on top of rent, food, and utilities? Then, after she's done at our school, we will pay for tuition at any future school of her choice." Tom and Jerry decided to give us total privacy by decently going out to a movie. The three of us sat at the kitchen table, which Daddy and Dr. Cross opposite each other. The headmaster didn't waste any time presenting his offer. I expected Daddy to immediately turn it down, even though I was slightly astonished. Let's be real, that's a real good offer that we weren't in the position to brush away so soon. And Daddy seemed to agree.

My father didn't say anything, taking his time to think over the scenario. Eventually he sighed and crossed his arms in a firm position. "And you think that's enough to get my daughter to be Zero's personalized blood bank? You failed to consider her safety; which nothing can compensate for." "You're right, sir- of course. But her safety is my prime concern too; that is why I had her live with Zero in the first place." Daddy snorted. "I'm sure." "Honest! Of course Miss Lauser's safety would be amped up. You'd have a full-time body guard and your very own vampire gun!" "Really?" Daddy's and my eyes grew in surprise. The headmaster nodded in pride. "I've acquired permission from the school council and associated vampire community- you are the only student, aside from Zero, who is allowed a loaded weapon on campus." "Why would the vampire community give an unarmed human a gun designed specifically to destroy them? That seems...... counter-intuitive," Daddy asked the same question I was thinking. Dr. Cross nodded in understanding. "The vampire community as a vested interest in keeping Miss Lauser alive." "Because of her blood?" A disgusted frown fell over Daddy's lips. "Uh..... well, yes. It is universally forbidden to kill an A-type in the vampire world, but....... most usually discard that rule while on the hunt. That's why they want Selene to be armed; so she can protect herself."

A surge of disgust flowed through every cell in my body. Yes, I wanted protection but...... I could never imagine myself shooting anything- ever. It's just not in my DNA, even for self-protection. Like Paul said: "You're softer, I guess is the best way to describe it; gentler. Where wolf girls run and fight alongside us, human women........ you're pure, nurturing." I don't kill, period. I just can't do it; I just can't. I'm sure this is actually a character defect in the long run, but I'm ok with that. No killing- no guns.

"T-thank you, but I don't want one," my hands lifted into the air. Both men turned to me, taken aback. "I don't want a gun." "Honey, but you need one! You need to be able to protect yourself!" "Your father's right, dear," Dr. Cross agreed. "While you'll still have a round-clock body-guard- assuming you come back, that is- you still need some bare means of security. It's completely safe for you! You can't accidently hurt yourself with it- it only works on vampires and rogue werewolves. You have nothing to worry about." "It's not that......." My eyes lowered to the ground. "I just can't shoot a gun; I can't......." "Awe, sweetheart," Daddy coaxed. "Is this because you don't think you can handle it? Too masculine?" The headmaster stupidly asked. Ok, that was dumb, and I was going to make sure both of them knew it.

"No!" My face stiffened. They also flinched in alarm. It was clear that he meant to insult but still, rude! "No, I don't want a gun because "I'm a girl"! If a guy said he didn't want a gun under moral protest, no one would blame it on his gender! I am allowed to detest violence without it having anything to do with my gender; it is my personality- that's it!" They were absolutely dumbfounded. "S-Selene!" Daddy gasped. "Y-you're right; I'm sorry," the headmaster quickly apologized. "You're right, it's just the way you are," a smile grew on Daddy's face; I think this made him a little proud. "My pure, precious girl," his large hand reached over to caress my cheek, smiling wider.

The headmaster interrupted us by clearing his throat. "I understand and respect how you feel, my dear, but I insist- you must some way to protect yourself. You don't have to carry it, but you should have access to a gun." He thought for a minute. "How about if we put it in a box in your room? You don't have to see or touch it unless absolutely necessary." "That sounds good," Daddy's head nodded in agreement. "I'll never use it," I reiterated, to which both men shrugged. "We're not asking you to; we just want you to have the opinion."

"Speaking of opinions, how are you planning on funding Selene's tuition from here on out? You did say money was an issue for you, Cross," Daddy shot him a look. Dr. Cross met my father's stare, saying nothing for a brief while. "I will fund it using the school's finances." "Isn't that illegal?" Daddy asked suspicious. "Yes," he instantly admitted. "But like you said- you're a father, you'll do anything for your child." Zero, my eyes lowered. Just how bad is it for you? How much have you been suffering? My lower lip quivered a little. Are you alone right now?

"So," Daddy refolded his arms. "You're willing to break the law and give my daughter a gun so that your son still gets his cup of blood? Is that right?" The headmaster let out a long sigh. "I don't want to put Selene in any danger- nothing is worth that. But I'm beyond desperate; my son needs her blood or else...... let's just say the hunter will become the hunted." Zero! My heart skipped a beat. Daddy looked over at me, reading the concern in my face. "What do you think, angel? Do you want to go back for the rest of the year now?"

I don't know why but for some reason, Kuran's face flashed through my mind, making me freeze for a second. Do I want to return? But what about him? Would I be safe from that dark vampire if I came back? I still had so many questions. "I have a question, Dr. Cross," I heard myself thinking out loud. "Yes?" He encouraged. "Who is Kuran and how does he know who I am?" "Who?" Daddy blinked from me to him confused. Though the color drained from the headmaster's face, he didn't look surprised in the least. "I see, so you met him then?" "Met who? Who are you talking about?" "Kaname Kuran- one of the few vampire loads." "Vampire lord?" My eyebrow rose. "Vampires have lords?" The headmaster reluctantly nodded. The atmosphere darkened, though I had no clue why. It was like Dr. Cross knew this conversation was coming but dreaded it nonetheless. His fingers twiddled on his lap nervously.

The headmaster drew in a very, very deep breath before diving into his explanation. "Vampire lords are the most powerful vampires in the world. It's rumored that vampire lords can tell who an A-type is without smelling their blood. They even know when one is born." My eyes suddenly widened as my heart skipped a beat- several beats. Know when one is born....... Why does that sound so familiar? Why do I feel like I know that already? My hand rose to my forehead. I don't understand why I already knew......

"I've known Kaname for a very long time. I knew his parents before they died. He's the one who brought Zero to me when his parents were killed. He's also the one who told me to choose Selene's application for the uh, "experiment"; he knew you were an A-type, although he only told me and Zero that recently." "I...... I don't understand," my voice was small and squeaky, with my hand clenching at my chest. "He said he knew how Zero felt...... about me. Why? Does he crave my blood too?"

Dr. Cross didn't answer for a very long time, he just kept staring at me with an unreadable expression. Eventually he shut his eyes and sighed heavily. "All vampires carve your blood. It's just...... Kaname also suffers to keep himself sane. He's better at controlling it though, as he is a powerful vampire lord. There's no deal or plan yet, but I suspect that one day, he'll try to drink your blood eventually." "No!" Daddy's hands slammed on the table top as he burst up from his chair. "Absolutely not!" "Whoa, it's ok!" Dr. Cross's hands shot up defensively. "I never said that he would succeed! It's just a possibility." "It better not happen at your school, for your sake Cross," Daddy's voice was the most threatening that I've ever heard. "It won't, I assure you!"

"W-wait?" I slowly turned to face Daddy. "So, I can go back then?" Daddy's gaze met mine; his hand reached over to take mine. "It is up to you, babygirl. I will support whatever you choose, although I'm still wary about you returning. But I think you'll be alright with a full-time body-guard and gun." "I agree," Dr. Cross added. "It will be much safer for you, and I'll hold good to my side of the bargain. You can enrol in any school you want, plus all expenses will be covered this year. All you need to do is come back with me and continue letting Zero drink a cup of blood every day he's um, available." Daddy and I looked at each other, having a silent conversation between us- and like a gentleman, the headmaster didn't interrupt. Eventually, I turned back to him with puzzlement all over my face. "Who's the body-guard?"     

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