Most Precious Treasure

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"You precious, precious thing." I didn't loosen my grip on Zero; I was still too afraid to move. He wanted to suck me dry; that beast was really about to destroy me just then. The very idea made me cry harder. "Hey, whoa!" Paul immediately came up to us. "Easy, it's ok," he cooed at me. "He can't hurt you anymore." "What are you doing here, wolf?" Zero didn't sound impressed, despite the fact that Paul just took down a very dangerous threat. Paul's soft grin started to fade as he glanced over at the vampire prefect. "Get off your high horse, blood-sucker; curfews not until ten for wolves. I was out for a run when I smelt Selene's blood. I came to check in on her before heading back to the dorm," he defiantly crossed his arms. "This mutt a friend of yours?" Zero asked me, not taking his eyes off Paul. "What did you call me?!" This obviously offended the wolf, worsening the already tense mood.

"I'll have you know that I'm good friends with Selene! We eat together every day and have the same classes; not that that's any of your business, leech." Zero's face tensed, glaring daggers at Paul. "You're not her only babysitter, Mr. Prefect." "H-huh?" This made me blink over at him curiously, which Paul instantly noticed. "Ah, I guess you don't know," he rubbed the back of his neck. "The boss made us promise to keep an eye on things when he's not around." "He did?" I asked surprised. Jacob....... This means that he really doesn't trust Zero and....... and he really must care for my welfare. My cheeks sizzled without my consent; not that either of them saw.

"Come here, babe," Paul extended his arm out for me. "You weren't at dinner and must be starving. I'll see you get something to eat before heading back to your flat." "No," Zero didn't remove his arm from around me. "What's your deal?" Paul frowned dangerously; I think he detested vampires as much as Jacob, if not more. "I just saved your butts; I'm not about to let anything happen to her now," he spat. "You should go back to the dorm. Come on, I'll walk you there," Zero ignored Paul, which infuriated him. "Hey, brainless! Did it ever occur to you that she doesn't need blood but actual food? You want her to go hungry tonight?" Zero didn't answer but he did look at me; his face was contorted with confliction. "At least let her eat something, then I'll make sure she gets home ok."

Zero shot him a glare but hesitated to reply; I doubted he knew what to say in that minute. On the one hand, I bet there was nowhere Zero wanted me to go but back to the safe dorm. But on the other hand, he knew Paul had a point. Even I noticed then how incredibly hungry I was; I think the fear took a lot out of me. I didn't feel starving beforehand but now....... I gazed up at Zero. He thought for a moment, then let out a long sigh. "Fine. You can go to the dining room to get something to eat, provided that Paul goes with you. I have to go tell the headmaster about this; stay there until I come back. Then I'll escort you back to the dorm, alright?" "Ok," while I was content with this, Paul looked aggravated. "I'm not taking orders from you!" "Then you leave, and I'll stay with Selene," Zero's glare intensified. They threw daggers at each other with how sharp their eyes were; the air was so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

Eventually, Paul relented and came to the dining hall with me. The chef managed to make up a plate of food for me and we sat alone in the long room. Paul watched me curiously as I devoured the full plate in front of me. The side of his head rested on the palm of his head, tilting his head sideways slightly. "You're hungry. But that makes sense, I guess; that must have been terrifying for you." I didn't answer as I kept shoving food into my mouth.

"I think I see what Jacob fancies in you so much- your charm." That definitely caught my attention, causing me to pause for a second to look at him with my cheeks full of food; but just for a second. "There's something charming about you human girls. Don't get me wrong! Female wolves are great, but...... there's just this thing about you; I can't quite put my finger on it. You're softer, I guess is the best way to describe it; gentler. Where wolf girls run and fight alongside us, human women........ you're pure, nurturing," a smile rolled across his lips. "Heh, I kinda like how you're weaker and need extra care. Not because we want to control you- we don't! But..... it's just nice to look out for someone so....... precious." Precious! My eyes grew wide; there's that word again. Why did people keep calling me that? Was it really true? Paul and Zero seemed to think so, even Jacob.......

"You think we're weak? Is that how werewolves and vampires see us?" I heard myself ask in a low voice. "Uh, yeah? That's cause you are. Just keepin' it real but there's no way you could take one of us down with your bare hands. Whether you're a guy or girl human, you can't protect yourselves from us, and why should you? No one's asking you to," he leaned in closer to me from across the table. "Speaking from a wolf's perspective, we actually just prefer it if you let us protect you. It makes us feel..... it's hard to describe but it makes us feel like we actually cherish something, or someone. Don't you get it, Selene? You're someone worth protecting to us, to me," and this made me blush a deep, deep red. No one had ever said that to me before, and I couldn't tell you how happy it made me. Images of Zero and Jacob flashed through my mind. Yes...... I cherish them too; it's not a one-way street. I want to help them too, however I can.

As promised, Zero came to meet us after I had finished eating. I caught him peering at the bloody wound, now dry, on my elbow. Without a word, he reloaded his gun, scandalizing Paul. "Whoa! I'm right here, blood-sucker!" "I-I appreciate the concern, Zero, but I think I'll be ok. I doubt any of the students will try to attack me with you here." "If I didn't think it was a problem, I wouldn't have come." I immediately sensed both him and Paul tense up. Paul stood firmly from behind while Zero covered my front. "Looking for something, vampires?" Zero asked and I watched with horror as three students emerged from the shadows. They completely ignored the prefect and wolf guarding me, burning their eyes right through me.

"So, this is where that wonderful scent is coming from? Who's this lovely dove? I don't remember seeing you around before," the girl with dark hair asked, rolling her long tongue over her teeth as she spoke. "Hurt yourself, love?" Another guy took a step towards me. Paul got in between us, stretching out his arm for extra protection. "Take one more step and I'll wipe that smug smirk off your sorry mouth," he announced without a hint of fear. "Heh," they chuckled in unison. "Leave it to a mutt to resort to physical violence." "Class is starting," Zero interjected. "I suggest you get to homeroom."

"Heh, poor thing," the other female vampire giggled to herself. "It must be dreadful having Mr. Prefect as your guardian." It's not actually, my eyes scrolled up to him. It's wonderful...... it's wonderful, knowing Zero's nearby. Zero eyes grew as the male vampire began to laugh loudly. "Now how's that for fair? I bet he gets to drink as much blood as he wants while the rest of us go thirty," his greyish-pink eyes moved to the dry patch of blood on my sleeve. "God, what I would give for just a taste......."

Paul was on the verge of phasing; if Zero hadn't aimed his gun at the vampire's forehead, he probably would have attacked. The other vampires tensed as Zero aggressively adjusted his position, not moving his deadly glare off him. "I see," even the male vampire looked slightly concerned, though that didn't affect his mouth. "So she's the Lyceum's cherished princess, is she? Can't say a word about her......." His eyes glazed back to me. "I'd keep a very close eye on her, if I were you," the three began to back away. "That goes for you too, mutt. After all, we all know that Zero won't always be around to guard this school's most valuable treasure."      

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