Return to Jacob's Arms

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Dr. Cross watched me fiddle with Jacob's bracelet on my right wrist. We were currently on a train heading back to the Lyceum; I hadn't said a word since my farewell to Daddy. Just stared out at the endless rolling valleys outside the window. "You miss him? Jacob?" The headmaster eventually ventured to break the silence. "Oh, yes...... Yes, so much." "I know he misses you too; like a lot. He wouldn't stop asking about you; he was driving us all crazy," he cracked a grin. I just gazed at the older man from the corner of my eye, not altering my stoic expression. We studied each other for a brief moment before I looked back out the window. Jacob...... I already knew that he missed me; that was obvious. The one I wasn't sure about was.......

"Shall we go over how this whole bodyguard thing is going to work?" "Ok," having nothing better to do, I turned my attention back to the headmaster. "When I told Jacob and Zero about it, they adamantly refused to have us bring anyone in. Particularly Jacob is under the impression that no one can protect you like he can. Consequently, he, Zero, and Paul have all agreed to be your round-the-clock body-guards." I nodded; I was more comfortable- not to mention happier- with that anyways. "They'll switch off, taking turns to watch over you, though Jacob and Zero insisted on doing it whenever they can." This made me blush a little. It was clear why Jacob wanted to be my primary protector- Alphas are under the impression that they are the best qualified to protect their mates. Wait! My eyes widened. But that would imply that Jacob and I are or would one day be....... mates. My cheeks sizzled redder. Well, I guess it is possible; it's definitely not impossible. We could someday be........

That explains why Jacob wants to be my main bodyguard but what about Zero? I guess he has a stake in my safety too, seeing that he needs my blood to keep sane. While Jacob desires my heart, he only wants my........ My head shook as if to banish the idea. No, there has to be more to Zero's and my relationship than that, right? I get Zero doesn't want to be friends or anything, but can't there be at least something else? Or...... or is that just wishful thinking? My eyes moved downwards in a soft, sorrowful kind of way. Dr. Cross saw but didn't say anything. What was there to say? Nothing....... There was nothing to say right then.

We got back the academy later that afternoon. Dr. Cross was escorting me down the hall to my dorm; apparently Zero wasn't here right now- figures. Along the way though, a different familiar face popped from around the corner. It was Seth! He was panting like he had been running. A wave of relief washed over his face when he saw us, or rather me standing there. "So that was your scent!" The werewolf gasped excitedly. "We could smell you back on campus! Jacob was the first one to notice." "He...... he was?" My hand lifted to my chest. "Yeah! Hey, you guys! I found her, she's over here!" Seth called from around the bend.

Within seconds, he was joined by Paul, Quill, Leah, and Yori. She and I locked eyes immediately. "S-Selene!" Paul let gasp. "You're back!" Leah added. But I wasn't pay attention, I was too busy soaking up Yori's presence; she looked to be doing the same. A smile sprang across both our faces as we suddenly ran into each other's arms. "Oh, Selene! You're alright!" "I'm sorry, Yori; I'm so sorry," I held her tight against me. Everyone instantly turned as another figure arrived and I gazed over from where I was still embracing Yori.

A stunned Jacob stood there; he was breathless which wasn't surprising considering how drenched in sweat his white t-shirt was. As Yori pulled back, the two of us just stared at one another in a sort of disbelief, with eyes very wide. No one said anything, but they knew to get out of the way. A path was cleared in between us, leaving nothing in the way of each other. He didn't say anything, not even my name; his face was an array of emotions, as was mine. But the longer we stared, the more intense this feeling grew inside of me. It was of desire- a pure desire to be near him...... as close to Jacob as possible. I felt the bracelet on my wrist again. Ah, my eyes slowly began to widen- if that were possible. It's clear now, I understand...... Memories rapidly flashed through my mind. Jacob. The first time we met, when he escorted me to afternoon tea. Jacob. Eating meals together. Jacob. Our shared assignment in history class. Jacob. Sitting at the beach in front of the clear, blue water. Jacob..... "I think you're absolutely beautiful, on the outside- but even better- on the inside. The most attractive thing about you is your personality." Oh my god, Jacob..... "There is something truly good about you, Selene Lauser; like a light that I can see from everywhere." Jacob!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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