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W-what are they talking about? My hand lifted to my chest; I could feel my heart heavily beating. What is the mean of this? Who's that vampire and why does he know so much about me? What's going on here?

My legs felt like they were going to collapse from exhaustion. I barely noticed when the room became quiet again. All I did in that moment was gaze forward at nothing with my mouth hanging open slightly. No thoughts were in my head, the world felt numb all around me. I suddenly felt vulnerable....... so incredibly helpless. "Zero," the dark vampire said. My whole body shook as Zero appeared at the doorway; he looked just as shocked and alarmed to see me there as I was. Neither of us said anything, though my mouth was still open; I heard myself desperately gasping for air. My large eyes boggled, I turned to face him square on before I took an instinctive step back. Zero didn't move, he just kept staring at me. "Selene."

No! Something snapped inside me. No more! I don't want to hear anymore! But I was unable to verbalize this. Instead I shook my head and my foot took another step back. Before he was able to say anything else, I spun around to make a dash for it. I ran- ran as fast as I could. I didn't even have time to see that Zero wasn't following me; he still didn't move from his original position. I ran without thinking, without breathing. The only thing I knew is that I had to get away from here- I had to get away from the Lyceum.

Zero didn't come home that night, not that I would have seen him if I did. I kept my bedroom door locked the whole time I was home. Yori texted me the next morning when I missed breakfast. Apparently, Jacob and the others weren't there either; something about an early morning run. I went straight to her dorm after I had finished packing. She was startled to see how full my backpack was. "You're leaving the Lyceum?" Her voice was warily. "Uh huh." "Where will you go? You're not supposed to leave campus without written permission." "That rule only applies to me, huh? Figures. Daddy has some friends in a nearby town; it's wolf territory so I should be alright." "Selene," her eyes lowered onto me. "Are you sure about this? If you ask my opinion, you should at least try to make up with Zero. I'm sure he's not mad at you anymore." Mad at me? That's right! How could I have forgotten about that "conversation"? "You're so terrified that she'll drive that Alpha away with anything she says." I forgot all about that fight.......

Yori saw me to the side gate; we were less likely to get caught there. I didn't tell her anything about last night; as far as she knew, I was leaving for a short break because Zero was still mad at me. "You sure you'll be alright?" She opened the gate for me. "Yeah......." A lot better than I'll be if I stay here. "What about Jacob? What are you going to tell him?" I shrugged. "I'll text him when I'm safe in town. Hopefully we'll get to see each other soon...... off campus." "Selene......." Yori gazed at me with sad, strange look in her eyes. "Are you so intent on avoiding Zero this much? Is it really that bad?" My frown deepened.

Zero....... He'd already made his decision when he withheld the truth from me. I still don't know what's going on, and I doubt that he'll ever tell me. Zero, that dark vampire, Dr. Cross- they're all in on it; meanwhile I'm like the innocent lamb being led blindfolded to slaughter. But the headmaster and Kuran violently removed the blindfold last night; they knew what they were doing, they wanted me to overhear their conversation. I don't why they would want me to, and right now, I don't care. I..... I gave Zero my blood; I trusted him and yet, he willfully deceived me- they all did. "The smell of your blood....... I want it........ I can't think of anything else, ever since that night. Only yours...... I only want your blood." Of course he wouldn't hold me in his heart; that would be like falling in love with your dinner. Cause that's all I am to him- to all these vampires- a vessel full of precious blood. "Yes," I answered Yori with assuredness. He won't make room for me in his barren heart- why would he?

Yori was the only one who knew I left the school. I went straight to the train station where I bought a ticket for a couple of towns down- that would be far enough. Far enough so they won't come after me. I wasn't thinking of Jacob or Paul or Yori at that time; all my thoughts and resources were dedicated to getting away. I would call my father from Uncle Jerry- Daddy's old college roommate's- house and decide where to go from there. I didn't care I went to be honest, so long as I didn't see "him" again. I refused to go back and be his personal blood bank again; I didn't want to be lied to anymore. My eyes gazed out the train window at the rolling hills. I won't put the blindfold back on.

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