My First Bite

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Zero, Dr. Cross, and I were all in his office. He wanted to hear Zero's accounts of the other night and wanted me present. Since then, Zero had been unusually patient with me; when he was around of course. He insisted on inspecting my wound, which was healing up quite nicely- much to his relief. I don't really know how to describe it....... He still felt at a distance from me but...... somewhere nearer than before.

I also didn't know how to feel when the headmaster unexpectedly blurted out that Jacob and I went out to tea yesterday. To my bewilderment, his adopted son looked conflicted at the news. "She's becoming fast friends with him," Dr. Cross grinned at him. Zero considered this for a minute while I quietly awaited his response. I mean, it's not like it was a secret or anything. He would find out eventually, whenever he finally decided to drink my blood that is. "Jacob? He's the Alpha?" Dr. Cross merely nodded. "Ok," this seemed to settle with the vampire. "I guess it's better than nothing. Just don't get too close," Zero was now addressing me, causing me to flinch. His gaze was serious and full of competing thoughts. "Alphas don't date or marry humans."

"Who said anything about that?!" Dr. Cross shouted in my place. "It's not like that, son. They're just friends; right, Miss Lauser?" "Uh, right. Yes," I said before really thinking about it. Just friends? Is that all we were? I guess so, since we just met and everything. Still....... "I'll marry whoever I want. I'm the only one who gets to decide who's right for me." I don't think Jacob noticed or minded the species difference as much as these guys, which I guess makes sense. It's more likely for a werewolf to marry a human than a vampire; that was just plain old unheard of. Not that I would care about that........

Zero gave the impression that he was content, even pleased with my response. Folding his arms, he gave a small, firm nod. "Alright then. Well, if you don't need anything else, we should get going. I'll walk Selene back to the dorm before starting patrol." "Back to the dorm?!" I blinked at Zero alarmed. "But it's only seven o'clock." "It'll be dark out before you have enough time to do anything. Come on, let's go," Zero headed to the door. Man, talk about controlling! "Don't be annoyed with him," it was like Dr. Cross was reading my mind. He simply grinned at me, tilting his head lightly. "He's just a little tired, that's all. You'll have to be patient with him." "Tired?" My suspicious eyebrow rose. Vampires can get tired? Well, it makes sense- they do sleep after all. Maybe he just hasn't been sleeping enough; I get tired when I've had less than seven hours of sleep, or I'm hungry.

Hungry! My eyes shot wide with revelation. That's it! Zero might be thirty! He hasn't drunk any of my blood since I've arrived, and there's supposed to be a shortage of blood pills on the market. I evaluated the situation on our way back to the dorm. Zero walked in front of me, giving me ample time to watch him from behind. What if he is really thirty? That can't be easy on him, particularly with the smell of my blood perfuming the air the other night. What should I do? Should I ask him if he'd like some blood? Is there a way to do so without sounding creepy? It's along the same lines as asking someone to have sex; it was the intimate act in the vampire world. Maybe I should just wait for him to ask me, if he ever does. He's shown no signs of desire to me- yet.

"Lock the door after me," Zero held the door open for me. "Thank you," I went inside our dorm. Zero followed behind, only to grab his black uniform's jacket. I put my backpack down and turned back to him; he did seem worn-out now that he mentioned it. The seed of concern began to grow in my heart. "Can I ask you something, Zero?" "No," was he immediate reply but when he saw my face, he yielded. "What?" "Are you tired?" "Why are you asking me that? Do I look tired?" "Rephrase- are you thirty?"

This made Zero straighten up, so he could look me right in the eye. To both of our astonishments, I didn't back down like I expected; I was that concerned I suppose. "Zero......" "That's none of your business! You shouldn't have asked me!" "I-I'm sorry!" My back flinched. "I just thought......" "Don't- I don't wanna hear it." A pregnant pause followed. "Zero," my eyes began to soften. He dragged his stare away from mine, forcing himself to turn around. "I'm leaving," he slammed the door loudly behind him. Sighing heavily myself, I was about to go into my room until a loud- many loud- thuds echoed from the staircase. "Zero!" The door flung open to see Zero on his hands and knees at the bottom of the stairs. One hand was resting against the wall while the other held his upper half off the ground.

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