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I knew I was in a dream- I knew it was a dream but it still felt so...... real. I was walking along a grey street with tall trees on each side of the road. It was dark out, but I had no trouble seeing anything. No one was around, I was alone- or so I thought.

The first living thing I saw were butterflies. "Awe!" I paused to lift my hand up to them. "Butterflies!" Dozens of little, pink butterflies flew around me; they seemed to come out of nowhere, but this was a dream. Moments later, another figure appeared in front of me. It was big, much bigger than a human; I wasn't afraid however. A soft spell cast over me as I realized it was a werewolf- an Alpha to be exact. It looked at me soundlessly. My eyes grew in astonishment. Jacob! He was in my dream, and in full wolf form too. We stared at each other for a bit while my eyes began to soften. So, he's still here...... I may have thought I had forgotten him in the chaos but he's here; he's always been here....... with me. I took a step towards him; the butterflies were fluttering all around the two of us.

"Selene." A voice from behind made me look over my shoulder. Zero was standing there, staring at me very intently. Zero, my eyes widened a little. He's here too? But why? He's the one I've been trying to get away from....... So why is he looking at me that way then? It was a pleading gaze, a desperate expression. I looked from him to Jacob, who also had his eyes locked onto me. Butterflies flew everywhere, connecting the three of us. It felt like I had two paths to pick from, a decision to make...... But I didn't make it. Instead, I remained where I was, glancing between each man.

"So, your embodiment is a butterfly?" That voice! My head shot towards the darkness. Much to my horror, the vampire named Kuran appeared out of a dark mass. His arms were folded, a light smile resting on his lips. "The fact that yours took the shape of a living thing that flies in the daylight- that is just like you, Selene." "How...... how do you know......?" I found myself asking out of nowhere; I don't remember my brain giving me permission to speak. "Do not look so frightened, I have known about you since the day you were born," his eyes sharpened onto mine. "You are very precious to me." "But why?" I heard myself speak again; I guess I wasn't so afraid to talk to him in my dreams. "Why does everyone keep calling me that? What makes me so precious?"

The vampire didn't answer initially; he just kept looking at me with this sort of forlorn expression. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he almost seemed sad, bothered by something...... "Like a butterfly, you glitter in the sun. You are like our very own sun; vampires are attracted to you like moths to a flame." "B-but why? I don't understand......." "I do not expect you to," his eyes lowered. "Humans can never comprehend what is it like......." Then his stare locked onto me again. "My dear, sweet, pitiful Selene," his hand began to rise. "You will someday soon have me to fear as well, but I will not let you die. Not for Zero's sake, although he needs you more than any of us." My eyes grew, and I took a step backwards. "I will do what I can to protect you," his eyes sharpened their already piercing stare. "He is searching." My whole body froze as I felt something sinister- very sinister- rise up behind me. The breath stilled in the throat, my muscles began to visibly vibrate. Hazy, black hands morphed out of the darkness, wrapping around my legs and arms. A mouth consisting of solid, white teeth with gigantic fangs appeared right beside my head, grinning insidiously. "He is coming for you."

I woke up with a loud scream. Daddy and Jerry burst through the door within seconds. "Selene! Honey, what's wrong?!" "He's coming! He's coming for me!" "Who?!" Daddy looked very worried. After a few very deep breaths, I stopped to gaze up at him answerless. "I..... I don't know." "Awe, honey," with a smile, he sat down on the edge of my bed to gently pat my hair. "You had a nightmare. It was just a bad dream, that's all. No one's coming, you're safe." "Y-yeah," my head nodded unthinking. "I guess so......" "She's had a long day," Jerry said. "How about I bring you a cup of milk?" "Y-yes, thank you." He left Daddy and I alone, where he reassured me that everything was alright. But...... I don't know why but for some reason, I couldn't escape that feeling, that instinct of dread. It stayed with me; I have no idea why, but it stayed. That sensation of pure trepidation. 

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