I'm Alright

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My phone's alarm clock woke me up the next morning. As I reached over to turn it off, I noticed something unfamiliar on my nightstand. It was a new box of bandages with a sticky note on the front reading: Put them on. Where did this come from? I sat up to inspect the box. It must have been Zero; no one else has keys to our flat. He felt these for me here before going to bed. A small smile passed my lips. That was unexpectedly considerate of him- almost sweet.

I quickly put on my housecoat and went to go say "thank you" to Zero. But my heart dropped when I opened my bedroom door to find his also open, revealing an empty room. Just like the other day, Zero was nowhere to be found. All the good feelings the bandages gave me vanished and I got ready to go see the headmaster- alone. I wanted Zero to come with me so to give his account of the attack last night, but it didn't look like that was happening. It looked like he was avoiding me, again. I left the dorm with those emotions running through me; it was not a fun way to start the day.

"Oh, my dear, dear girl!" Dr. Cross smothered me the moment I entered his office. "I am so sorry! That must have been terrifying for you! Are you alright? Are you hurt in any way?" "Uh, no sir. I'm alright, really." "You are? Oh, thank goodness!" Dr. Cross let out the biggest sigh and fell back into his chair. "That was scary," his hands rubbed over his face. I'll say. "I'm happy to report that both students are suspended until a hearing later in the month, plus I've started the process for a restraining order. You will have no more issues with them." "Thank you," I gave a tiny nod. A few quiet minutes passed before his gaze returned back to me. "The security report said that you were outside looking for a book?" "Yes," my eyes lowered to the ground in slight embarrassment. "I understand you meant no harm, child, but you cannot be outside alone after dark. It's just plain old not safe." "Yes, I understand. I'm sorry, sir; it won't happen again."

The headmaster's expression was conflicted in the at moment. I think he knew that I was an intelligent lady who wouldn't cause trouble on purpose, but I was human- the trumped everything. But he didn't feel good about it; restricting me like this brought him no joy. "I'm sorry, Miss Lauser," I glanced back up at the sound of his voice. "I'm sorry about all these constricting rules. You must feel suffocated." "Oh no!" My hands shot up in protest. "Well, maybe a little, but I understand why they're in place! I'll follow the rules if they keep me safe. I don't want Zero or the guards to feel like they have to constantly come to my rescue. I don't want to be a burden." "You're not a burden," Dr. Cross smiled tenderly at me. "You are a mature, logical, smart young woman who appreciates her situation. And I thank you for that, Miss Lauser; it makes my job a lot easier."

Dr. Cross stopped when he saw my solemn face. I should have been flattered, and I was, but....... "What is it?" He asked with a hint of concern in his tone. "Would it......" I sighed before continuing; this wasn't easy. "Would it be possible to get a different flat? Or different roommate?" "What?! Why?" The headmaster sounded scandalized. "I don't think Zero likes me very much." "Why would you say that? Zero doesn't hate you, he's worried about you!" "Why does he keep avoiding me then? He didn't come home last night, which he's done a couple of times last week. He shouldn't have to stay away from the flat just to elude me; I don't want that for him." "Didn't come home?" Dr. Cross blinked a few times, his face transforming from perplexity to enlightenment. "Oh! I see, yes. Yes, he didn't......."

"I should probably just switch dorms. I don't mind! So long as he feels comfortable enough to come home." "Oh no, my dear; no. This has nothing to do with you," Dr. Cross reassured me. "Really? Do you know where he is then?" "It's...... complicated. Don't take it personally, dear; he's not trying to stay away from you. I actually think he likes you! It's just...... well, he's busy; let's just say that." "Are you sure he's not avoiding me at the flat?" "No," a grin crept across his lips. He folded his arms and leaned back in his seat. "No, he's not; trust me." "Ok," I decided to believe him. Zero was his adopted son after all, and he knew him better than me. Who knows? Maybe Zero would even tell me himself what's going on one day. But I wasn't holding my breath right now.

The headmaster offered to give me an excuse note for today's classes if I wanted time to recuperate. But I chose to attend anyways, not wanting to spend the whole day in the flat by myself. I didn't want to be alone right now, still feeling a little shook up from yesterday. I missed breakfast and didn't have class for another hour, so I wandered around the halls for a bit. In truth, I was actually excited for the bell to ring; everyone would go to class and I would see Jacob and the other werewolves. Jacob...... My eyes lowered. That's right, the school would hear about last night's events, and since there's only two humans here and one has a bloody arm, it'll be easy to figure out which it was. I wasn't sure how to feel just then.

"Selene!" My head shot up to see a frantic Jacob far in front of me. He was here in ten seconds, looking all tense and sweaty. "I heard you were at Cross's office. Are you alright?! Did those leeches touch you?!" He scanned me repeatedly in search of injury. This made me grin a little. He's worried about me....... "I'm ok. They didn't bite me; this is just a scrap from a rosebush I got last night," I motioned to the bandage on my arm. "Are you sure they didn't do anything?" Jacob pressed. "Uh huh," I reaffirmed with a nod. He let out a huge sigh of relief. "Thank goodness....."

After glancing away from a moment, his sharp eyes clamped onto mine. The severity in his face made my spine stiffen. "You need to tell me who they were right now," he ordered with a soft yet firm voice. My eye grew in surprise. I was surprised but not overly shocked; wolves were known for being protective, particularly Alphas. Nevertheless, I tried to diffuse the situation with the least possible violence. "N-no, it's ok. The headmaster said they've been suspended already. I don't have to worry about them anymore." "That's not good enough," the firmness increased in his tone. "They could have hurt you, bit you. What if Zero wasn't there?" "Zero?" I blinked astonished. "How did you know that Zero came last night?"

To my surprise, Jacob said nothing for a minute. His face softened, and he sighed loudly. "I heard that he was; that's all." "Who told you?" He didn't answer. Instead, the Alpha turned to flash me a kind smile, extending his arm out for me. "Come on, let's go to class," he said moments before the bell rang. Relieved, I took his arm and returned his grin. Then we walked down the hall to history together, receiving a mixture of looks along the way.

"Hey! There is she! The survivor!" Paul greeted us as we entered the classroom. Jacob held the door open for me, letting me go in first. The others were already waiting inside at our usual row of desks. "We missed you at breakfast, babe," Seth said. His mouth immediately shut when he received a glare from his Alpha. "You don't smell like a human Slurpee," Paul announced, sniffing the air around me. "No one bit me," I explained. "That's good," Quill said. "It sounds like it hurts to get bitten." "Alright, enough," Jacob told his "pack"; they weren't officially recognized yet. "No more teasing, she's been through enough. Here, Selene; come sit over here," Jacob led me to the desk beside his. I sat between him and the window, which I loved. The others seemed both happy for Jacob and the tiniest bit jealous, though I don't know why. I didn't think I was that big a catch but apparently, I wasn't the best judge.

The teacher walked in and class begun. We had a brief lecture followed by an in-class assignment. The topic was Vampiric history in the West; something I'd read on extensively. We all took notes while he scribbled away on the blackboard, pausing every so often to ask us a related question. "Now," Mr. Grinds turned back to us. "Who can tell me where the Vampire of Croglin Grange was stationed?" No one raised their hands right away. Seeing that no one else was going to answer, my hand lifted. "Yes, Miss Lauser?" He pointed to me. "Uh, Croglin Grange lived in Cumberland, England." "That's correct!" He seemed surprised by my show of knowledge. "Well done, Miss Lauser." I couldn't help but feel all eyes suddenly on me. Jacob looked impressed, which I did notice....... I guess intelligence was admirable in the werewolf community. Ok, that made me feel a little better. The thought of Zero kept creeping from my mind. Everything focused on that classroom, its inhabitants, and the Alpha sitting next to me. Needless to say, he was a big distraction.  

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