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"Person A bakes a cake for Person B but accidentally drops it while carrying it to the table. Person B laughs until they see Person's A tears and spends an hour comforting them."

The sound of pots and pans clanging together from quick, moving hands wafted throughout the small apartment. A box of cake mix made its way to the floor, spreading the powdered substance everywhere.

The sink was piling up with dishes. Certain ingredients had to be restocked because of using too much when it wasn't needed.

All of these unnecessary problems were caused by one person.


"Okay, preheat oven to 180°C for 7 through 10 minutes." Gon repeated after an instruction book. He nodded and went to do just that and then came back to stirring the mix. That was when he realized how much of a mess he made.

"I made a mess everywhere!", Gon said in a stressful tone, "I didn't know cakes would be this disastrous to make!"

He knew he was gonna have to wash up after this as well, considering how many stains he has on his clothes and face.

"I'm gonna have to clean all of this up before Killua comes home." Gon said, knowing full and well of what will happen if he doesn't.

When the mix was thoroughly stirred, he started to pour it into a pan. It was little difficult, but he managed.

After waiting 10 minutes for the oven to preheat, he began to put the cake in there. Gon went back to the instruction book. "Bake cake for up to 30 through 40 minutes...Ok that should be easy." A smile finally coming upon Gon's face.

He set a timer and went to clean up the mess, and wash up. Gon did all of these things quickly, as to not miss when the timer buzzed.

And he was lucky enough he didn't.

Just as soon as he walked into the kitchen to check the timer, it was already buzzing, signaling that the cake was done.

Gon smiled brightly as he ran to retrieve the oven mitts. The sweet aroma coming from said oven made his mouth water. He was about to take the cake out of it, but stopped when he heard the sound of a doorknob turning.

Gon looked back to see Killua walking in. He smiled again once Killua caught his gaze.

"Hey Killua!" Gon said cheerfully.

Killua smiled back. "Hey G-", his expression turned into a confused one, "What are you doing in the kitchen? Are you cooking something?" Killua questioned.

Gon's smile just widened in length, "Yes I did make something."

Killua furrowed his eyebrows, "Well, what did you make?"

"Oh you know," he paused to take the cake out, "Just this really big cake."

He smiled when he saw Killua's eyes widen in shock, along with his mouth dropping open. Gon closed his eyes in pride, walking to put the cake on the table while saying, "And I made it for a very spe-" Gon started to lose his balance, the cake swaying this way and that way. "Woah!! Woah!!" He shouted as he tried to maintain his balance once more, but..

It was a fail.

The cake fell out of his hands. With it smudging on the floor and breaking into medium-sized crumbs. Gon was staring at the mess, while Killua was laughing hysterically.

"G-Gon!! Oh my g-god!! Haha!! You're so clumsy!!" Killua said, his laughing breaking up his words, "Oh, I can't b-breathe! I have t-tears in my eyes from how funny that was!"

After his laughter quieted down, he realized that Gon hasn't said a single word.

Killua wiped his eyes, "Gon?" he started before he opened his eyes. When he did, though, he was met with the sight of tears streaming down Gon's face, his expression emotionless.

Why is he..

"G-Gon, why..why a-are you.." Killua hesitated to finish his sentence. Gon didn't respond. The only thing he did do was fall to the ground on his knees. Seeing this made Killua run to his side, hugging him as tightly as he can.

"Gon?! What's wrong?! Talk to me!" Killua begged insistently.

"The...the cake...", Gon mumbled lowly.

"What about the cake?"

"I..I dropped it.."

So that's why he's sad, Killua thought.

"Don't worry about it Gon, mistakes happ-"

"I know mistakes happen Killua!" Gon shouted, cutting Killua off, "But I baked this cake for you, only you, and..." Gon trailed off of his sentence.

Killua's eyes widened, "You baked this cake..for me?"

Gon nodded, "Yes, to show how grateful I am, with you traveling with me. And for being...my best friend."

Those words hit Killua's heart intensely. Now, he understood why Gon was upset.

"Oh...Gon..", Killua said in a soft voice while hugging Gon tighter, "It's going to be okay.."

They stayed like this for an hour, with Killua rubbing Gon's back while Gon was still in a sorrow mood.

"I'll tell you what", Killua said, "We'll both bake a cake, together."

Gon turned his head and smiled at Killua, his bright mood coming back.


Killua nodded, "Really. Just to show how grateful I am, to have you as my best friend also."
---------------------------------Awww! That's so sweet! I like writing them like this. Brings joy into my life. And so does the next chapter! (Which will be published soon) :D

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