June (24)

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0547 hours, September 8th

Ruby sector, Los Angeles

67° indoors

My skin tingled at the light touch, so familiar over the years. Anden's kiss was soft, almost like a symphony, the gentle sound of lovely violins that grew louder as his lips pressed firmer into mine.

I didn't kiss him back. Though, a part of me desperately wanted to, to be lost in this moment where this beloved man wanted nothing more than to make me feel okay. To make me feel whole and beautiful and piece me back together.

Like we had done for each other so many times over the last decade.

But there was a reason why we broke up, why it never could've worked out. And right now, that was the only thing holding me back. Because it was so tempting, so very tempting to kiss Anden back, to be lost in the magical sensation. To fall into his arms and let him comfort me, take my sorrow away for just a few minutes. It was a test of my willpower to not break free of the chains of guilt that had bounded me for so long, not feel anything but the bliss of being with someone that I loved.

With someone that loved me.

But there was not only him.

Kissing Anden was like watching the tide. Sometimes his mouth was harsh, his movements demanding. When the waves crashed onto the shore his hands would tug on my hair, hard enough for him to feel satisfied, but not enough to hurt me. When the water receded, the pressure of his lips lessened, he kissed the corner of my mouth or the tip of my nose. He would catch my gaze with his twinkling eyes and silently tell me to respond, to let him comfort me.

His emerald eyes would plead for me to help him reach his goal, but I saw that a layer deeper, he was ecstatic that I didn't push him away.

It had been maybe seventeen seconds, when my mind conjured up his name.


I instantly felt guilty at the mention of his name, for letting Anden be so close to me right now, and spread my hands on his chest. Though I didn't use any force, he got the message, leaning back so that he could get the full view of my features.

"June." He whispered, his voice low almost husky and I felt his warm breath fan my sensitive skin, adding to the slight tingling sensation that his lips had caused. I wasn't sure if it was my body or mind that had on some level enjoyed that attention that he was giving me. Yet now that my body wasn't overwhelmed with sensations, the guilt crashed back down on me, this time tripled. Anden saw the pain in my eyes, and leaned in again, knowing what was making me dig myself deeper into this pit of despair.

"June, let me help you." His eyes were bright and his words a thousand times more than genuine. I had gotten to know him well enough over the last few years to know that he concentrates on only one thing at a time and he would do anything in his power to reach each of his goals. It didn't matter if it was a war and he had to protect his people, or if he needed to bring justice to an individual, he would fight with words and always sought his own peace. He didn't let the years and pressures get to him, didn't let the senate and jealousy of older men hold him down. He was almost always in control of himself and the situation. In every case, he would find a way to turn the tables, so that everything was in his favor. He had become very powerful, but it was with other's respect, not fear as it had been with his father. Overall, he had become a wonderful man. And I couldn't have been more proud of him.

But there was one factor in his life that he couldn't control, couldn't keep in his favor. He had tried time and time again, but never pushing to the full extent, as he had done with everything else in his life. Because he knew it was complexly strong yet disturbingly fragile.

Walk in the light: Legend novellaWhere stories live. Discover now