8. flight delayed

538 21 8

Stevens pov:

I'm glad to have a friend like Duff.

I mean, he almost always agrees with me. He sneaks out of his house to see me.

"You should go on a date with Jenny." I say and take another sip. The bottle is almost empty.

"Then at least one of us has a good love life." I say.

"Hey, we both can have a good love life." Duff says.

"How?" I say and take a sip before I hand the bottle to Duff.

"Uhh if we both find the right person." He says and quickly takes a sip.

"No shit sherlock." I say laughing.

Duff laughs too.

We sit there for like an hour. It is almost 12 pm.

I take the last sip of the bottle.

"Fuck. It's empty." I say.

"Don't you think that's good? You've had a lot. You don't want your mother to be mad if you wake up with a hangover?" Duff says.

"Guess you're right. But she still was being unreasonable." I say.

"She's your mother. And you're her son. She cares about you and doesn't want you to have an STD." Duff says.

"Yeah." I say and try to get up.

The floor feels weird and I find it hard to walk straight.

Duff puts his arm around me so I can lean on him.

It is 1 am when we're back at my house.

"Go drink a glass of water." Duff says as we're in the hallway.

I get a glass and fill it with water.

"Now go brush your theeth and wash your face a bit. That way you won't smell like alcohol that much." Duff says.

I do as he says.

"Just get in your bed. I'll get you another glass of water so you won't have that much of a headache tomorow." He says.

I change in my underwear and Duff brings me a glass of water.

I look at the wall right infront of me and drink it.

I get in my bed.

"And now go to sleep. I'll clean up the water in the bathroom." Duff says.

I close my eyes and try to sleep.

Duffs pov:

I clean up the water in his bathroom and fill the glass again.

I look for some advil in the bathroom.

I place the glass and the advil on his night stand. I write a little note. 'take this when you wake up.'

Should I put 'xxx Duff' at the end?
No don't do that. That would be weird.

I make sure Shadow has some water and go back to Stevens room.

He is asleep. He breathes slowly and regularly.

I look at him. He is so beautiful.

I lean torwards him and kiss his forhead. He is asleep.

"Goodnight Steven." I say soft.

I climb out of the window.

I see my mom has gone to bed.

II Fading Into The Night IISteven×Duff Fanfiction IIWhere stories live. Discover now