21. the date

510 23 9

Stevens pov:

I walk inside.

"So you and Duff are going for dinner tonight." my mom asks.

"Yep. I'm happy he is my friend." I say.

I hate it already. I hate that I need to lie to my mom. But I'm just scared. Scared she will love me less.

I go to my room. I smell my shirt.

I should change if I'm going on a date tonight.

I get another shirt form my closet.

Do I have time to shower? Not really. Deodorant it is then.

I spray my entire body with deodorant. I put on a clean shirt.

My first date, with Duff.

My first date with a boy.

Should I bring flowers? But actually if someone brought flowers it should be him, because he asked me on a date.

How do you even be a good gay boyfriend?

I open my phone and open a new incognito window.

"How to be a good gay boyfriend" is what I type in the searchbar.

Am I gay? I never really thought about that. I know I like Duff, but boys in general?

I look at the site.

These are all things straight boyfriends do to. I guess it shouldn't be that different.

I sit down on my bed and check my social medias.

"Steven! Duff is here." My mom says.

I walk torwatds the front door.

"You look nice Duff." My mom says.

I look at Duff. He is wearing casual clothes.

Well, they're more torwards the chique side.

"We're going now." I say.

"Be home by eleven." my mom says.

"Yeah fine." I say. I don't want to argue with her.

Duff and I walk to the car. His moms car.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Uhh." Duff says and he starts the car.

"I suppose we aren't going to a mac donalds." I say.

"Uhh no. Of course not." Duff says.

"You don't have a reservation or something do you." I say.

"No." Duff says.

"We'll find a place." I say and smile.

I see Duff smiling back at me.

He has such a cute laugh. He looks so innocent and awkward.

I can't believe I pushed my feelings away. He is amazing.

We stop at a restaurant. I've never heard of it.

"How do you know this place?" I ask as we get out.

"I've been here once with my mom." Duff says.

We get inside.

It isn't crowded at all. It has a 60s theme. They play some songs from the 60s as well.

There maybe are three people. But it looks comfy.

We sit down.

A waiter walks up to us. We order something to drink.

"Do you know what you'll do after high school?" Duff asks me.

"I have no idea." I say. The waiter brings our drinks and we order some food.

"Do you?" I ask and take a sip of my drink.

"I don't know either. My mom and I looked at some colleges. But they're all in Washington." Duff says.

"Do you know what you want to be?" I ask.

"Not really. Something with music. Maybe a music teacher. I don't know." He says.

"Me too." I say.

It doesn't take long before our food gets here.

"Do you really think Sarah is pregnant?" Duff asks as we start eating.

I forgot about it. I almost choke on my piece of chicken.

"I think so. I mean, not to be rude or anything but she is kinda a whore." I say.

I fucking hope I'm not the father.

"I called Axl. He will send ger some cheeck mucus." Duff says.

"What do I do if I'm the father?" I say.

"Take care of it?" Duff says.

"Sarah is seventeen and I'm eightteen. We can't take care of a child." I say.

"And more important. I don't love her." I say. I see Duffs eyes sparkle when I said that.

We eat our food and pay. Well, Duff pays.

"What shall we do now? The night is still young." Duff says.

"Lets go to the movies!" I say. We get in the car and drive to the cinema.

We get out of the car and into the cinema. We look at all the movies we can watch.

"Lets see Dirty Dancing!" I say laughing. It's the old version.

"Sure. Why not." Duff says laughing.

I pay the tickets and Duff pays the food. We take our seats.

I start eating from the popcorn.

"Leave some for during the movie." Duff says.

We are the only dudes here. Except from some who are on a date. I guess we are the youngest too. I see some people who are over 50 years old. A lot of them actually.

The movie starts.

When the movie is done Duff and I walk out of the room.

"Wait." Duff says. He walks to the toilets. He takes my wrist and pulls me in too.

I see him looking around.

There is no one here.

He presses his lips on mine.

He looks in my eyes for a second and smiles. He walks into a toilet stall.

Is this how the most gay relationships are? Sneaking around and only holding hands and kiss when you're in private?

We get back in the car.

Duff drives to my house.

"Tonight was fun." I say.

"It was." Duff says. Smiling.

I quickly look around me.
I press my lips on his. I feel his hand on the back of my head. He kisses me back.

"Bye. I'll see you tomorrow." I say and get out of the car.

Duff turns the car around.

I get inside my house.

"How was it?" my mom says. It scared me.

"Nice. We went to eat something and went to a movie." I say.

I go to my room. Tonight was really nice.

There will be more drama soon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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