10. the party

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This one is a bit longer. But there is drama😏

Duffs pov:

The four of us get out of the car and start walking.
Jake asked to park not near the house. Other wise the neighbours would suspect something.

Steven starts asking Axl and Izzy about Indiana.

I'm scared for Izzys plan. It sounds smart. And it sounds like it can work.

But I need to find the right moment to do it.

I can't do it in the middle of the room where everyone can see us.

I'll just see how it goes.

Axl still hasn't told us what his plan was.

Izzy walks next to me.

He puts a little box in my hands and winks at me.
It's a pack of ciggaretes.

"If we get at the party you need to drink. But don't get drunk. Just act drunk." Izzy says soft.

"And kiss Jenny. Dance with her. Like she is your date. What she is actually." Izzy says.

"Isn't it bad I use Jenny?" I say.

"You told her you don't know her that well. If things will get serious between Steven and you, you just break up with Jenny." Izzy says soft.

We arrive at the house.

Someone opens the door.

Steven walks to Sarah and kisses her. I see her kissing him back.

Why do they act this way when they don't like each other?

I see Jenny im the middle of the room.

I gesture to Axl and Izzy that I'm going to Jenny.

Izzy and Axl start talking to people.
I don't have to worry about them. They make friends really easy.

"Hey." Jenny says.

"Hey." I say and smile at her.

I see some people dancing and other people just talk.

I take Jennys hand and pull her on the dancefloor. Which is actually just the middle of the room.

I see Steven and Sarah also dancing.

When a slower song starts I pull Jenny closer to me.

I see her cheecks getting red.

I put my hands on her hips. I can see Steven looking at us from the corner of my eye. He doesn't look jealous. He just looks at us.

After half an hour Jenny and I sit down somewhere.

A lot of people are drunk already.
"Do you want something to drink?" I ask.

"Some soda." She says.

I get up and get her a glass of soda.
I take a can of beer for myself.

I see Izzy talking to a girl. Axl is too.

I sit down next to Jenny and hand her the glass of soda.

We talk for a bit. She puts her glass on the table.

I put my hand on her shoulder and lean in.

I put my lips on hers.
I feel her lips.
She starts kissing me back.

'it's all part of the plan." I think.

Half an hour later I've had 4 cans of beer. A lot of people are drunk. I'm not.

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