12. angry Duff

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Duffs pov:

"You fucker!" I say as we enter my bedroom.

My mom is out with her friends.
Izzy sits down on my bed and looks confused at me.

"Was this your fucking plan!?" I say.

"What? No! Why would I say..." He says.

"Where you fucking drunk when you came up with this!?" I say.

"Fucking Axls plan worked better. And he mostly did it to have sex!" I say.

I'm mad. Steven knows I like him. And now I never have a chance with him.

"Dude! Chill. This wasn't my intention. And screaming at me doesn't fix anything. I know you're mad and you have the right to be." Izzy says.

I just look at him.

"Now I never have a chance with him." I say and sit down.

"If he's the one for you it'll find its way." Izzy says.

"I'll get you a glass of water." Izzy says and hets up.

I check my phone. Steven has texted me.

Steven: my mom is pissed at me again XD

I close my phone I don't want to talk right now.

"Here." Izzy says as he returns with a glass of water.

"What's the fucking point." I say.

"Just drink something and relax." Izzy says.

I drink the water and put the glass on my nightstand.

"Lets play a song. That'll help you calm down." Izzy says and he gets my bass. He takes my acoustic that was standing next to it.

"What do you want to play?" he asks me.

"Lets play Raw Power." I say.

Izzy looks at me.
"I don't know the chords." He says as he starts plucking on the guitar.

I take my phone and look for the chords.

I give my phone to Izzy and we start playing.
Izzy is sitting on my bed and I stand infront of my window looking at him.

I start singing the lyrics.

When we're at the middle of the song my neighbours start knocking on the walls.

"Maybe we should be a bit more quiet." Izzy says.

"Yeah. Let's play knocking on heavens door." I say.

I know we both know that song. And it's a bit more quiet.

We start playing. Izzy starts singing.

He can sing really great.

When that song is finished I sit down.

It is 1 am.

I guess my mom will be back home soon.

Axl: pls help

I open the chat.

Duff: where are you?
What's wrong?

"What's going on?" Izzy asks as he sees me looking confused at my screen.

I still haven't awnsered Steven.

"Axl texted me." I say and show Izzy the message.

Axl: this girl is freaky. She fell asleep. Can you pick me up please

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