14. learning about blowjobs

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I will try to post another chapter tomorow. But school has started today and we are going sailling or some shit tomorow. I don't even know what we're gonna do XC

Duffs pov:

Jake and I are sitting on the lawn behind the school.

"Lets just go." He says.

"Chill dude." I say and take a long drag from my cigarette.

"I just don't want to get caught. We are really close the the classrooms." he says.

I know we are. I just was hoping I could see Steven.

"Fine." I say.

I throw my cigarette on the ground and step on it.

We sneak to the trees behind the school.

"What are we gonna do?" Jake asks.

"I need to go to home. My mom asked me to sign a package." I say.

"So we can't hang out?" Jake asks.

"No. Sorry man." I say.

I actually didn't want to hang out with him.

I just want Steven.

We start walking.

We're at the streets now.

"Bye." I say and cross the street.

Jake looks a bit confused.
"Bye." He says and starts walking.

It takes me ten minutes to get to my house.

I take my key and get inside.

There isn't a package I need to sign. I just wanted to be alone.

I look out of my window.

I look at Stevens window.

I still like him. I just don't want him to know I like him.

Does that sound weird?

But why does that fuckhead confuses me so much?

He makes me feel he likes me but it looks like he doesn't.

I sit down on the couch.

Jenny: hey! <3
I haven't seen you in math class today
Where were you?

I sigh and look at my phone.
I kinda forgot I was 'dating' her.

Duff: I felt sick
Listen, I need to talk to you. Can we meet tonight?

I feel bad for using her.

I put down my phone and get the tv remote.

The doorbell rings.

'it would be funny if this actually was a package.' I think.

I open the door.

"Hello? Can I help you?" I ask and look at the man and woman standing infront of my door.

They look familiair.

"Hello. We are your neighbours. We figured you lived here for almost three months and we haven't got to know you." The man says.

"Oh. Yeah, come in." I say. The walk inside.

"My mom isn't here. Do you want something to drink?" I ask.

"Some water." The woman says.

"For me some soda." the man says.

I get them, and myself, something to drink.

I sit down in the chair across them.

"I'm Emma." The woman says.

"And I'm Hank." the man says.

"My name is Duff." I say.

"So, Duff, do you like it here?" Emma asks.

"Yeah." I say.

We talk for a bit.

"We actually have a weird question." Emma says.

"You know these walls are very thin." Hank says.

"Tell me about it." I say soft.

"And we heard you and a friend a month ago talking in your room." Hank say.

"About Steven." Emma says.

They what?! Oh my god?!

"And we have seen you staring at his house some times. So I wanted to give you some advice." Emma says.

"Have you ever recieved a blowjob?" Hank says.

"Or given one?" Emma asks.

"What?! No I haven't." I say. I'm really confused.

"I can teach you about it if you want." Emma says.

I just stare at them.
I have never met them before and they are gonna teach me hoe to give a blowjob?! What the fuck?!

"First of all. You have both have to want it. You can hold his bals in one hand or both your hands on his body. You can just drag then op and down or run your nails gently up and down his inner thighs." Emma says.

"Don't dive straight in. Place some gentle kisses on his stomach and thighs. Tease him a bit." Emma says and takes a sip of her water.

I take a sip of my drink too.

"You can use lube. They have special lube with a flavor. And have some water around you so you stay hydrated." she says.

"You can lick him from base to tip. Keep sure you make eye contact with him while you do that." Emma says and puts her hand on Hanks thigh.

"Take breaths in between. But keep kissing his body. Or touch yourself. It doesn't have to be only pleasure for him." Emma says.

"And it's very hot if you moan from time to time." Hank says.

"Don't make only the same movements. Spice it up a bit. Keep him guessing." Emma says.

"And if you don't want something just tell him." Emma says.

"That was it. Or did I forget something?" Emma says and looks at Hank.

"I don't think so." He says.

They look at me.

"Well, that was uhh very educating. But uhhh I have homework to make." I say.

"I know it was very awkward but we just want to help you. You can always come to us when you need advice or just want to talk about things." Hank says.

"It doesn't have to be sexual things. You can just come to us for everyday advice or if you want to talk about school." Emma says.

"Yeah." I say and walk to the door.

"I uhhh I'll see you around." I say as they stand outside.

"Bye!" Emma says.

I close the door.

That was fucking weird.

Amd what am I gonna do with that information? It's not like Steven actually wants me. He is probably just teasing me for fun.

Why does he have to be so fucking cute?!

I walk to my room.

Jenny: sure :)
Where and when?

Duff: I was thinking the cemetery at 8

Jenny: I'll be there

I put my phone down.

I have to do it.

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