22. leaving?

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This chapter feels like a mess lol
I'm sorry if it is chaotic

Stevens pov:

The whole week before my mom is leaving we did stuff together.

My birthday was fun. We just celebrated with friends.

Duffs birthday was two days ago.

We're both 18 now. Our exams are in a month.

My mom left yesterday. Shadow is staying with me too. Duffs mom really loves him. She doesn'y like me that much tho.

I'm sleeping in the spare bedroom.

Duff is teaching me guitar.

It is sunday today.

"No that's a C. You need to play an A." Duff says.

"This is harder than it looks." I say laughing.

My drumkit is here too.
I thaught Duff a bit on it too. He could play a bit already.

I try again. I get it right this time.

"Can you teach ne a real sing now?" I ask.

"What is wrong with Old MacDonald?" Duff says jokingly.

"What song do you want to learn?" Duff asks.

"Can you teach me Dr. Feelgood?" I say.

"Sure." Duff says.

He looks for the chords on google and writes them down.

He gives me the piece of paper.

"It looks complicated." I say.

Duff takes the acoustic gauitar from me and start playing.
It sounds good.

"Just try." Duff says and hands it back to me.

An hour went by of me trying and trying.

"It sounds good. Deffenitly for someone who is still learning." Duff says.

~time skip~

Duffs pov:

The exams were last week.

Steven and I are chilling in my room.

We walk downstairs for dinner.

"Maybe you two should get a job." my mom says.

We still need to go to school. But we don't really do anything productive.

"Maybe." I say.

I see my mom looking at Steven.

I see Steven rolling with his eyes when my mother stopped looking at him.

We go back upstairs after dinner. I took some food with me too.

"I have a feeling your mom doesn't like me that much." steven says and sits down on my bed.

"Yeah. I think so too." I say. I sit down next to him and open a bag of chips.

We game for some time.

"Don't go to sleep too late." My mom says at eleven pm.

We game untill it's 2 am.

I noticed something is wrong with Steven.

I've noticed that ever since he turned eightteen. Like he realized something But doesn't know to do.

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