19. christmas

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I'm gonna do some time skips otherwise it will be a filler. And I just want to get started with the drama lol

Duffs pov:

My mom rings the doorbell.

I see my grandpa open the door.

"Hello!" my grandpa says and hugs my mom.

Then he hugs me.

"How was the flight?" he asks.

"It was nice. But we're tired." my mom says.

We get inside.

"We have a room ready for you two." he says.

We walk to the room. I see the christmas tree. It is december 24 today.

I go to my room. My mom and I have seperate rooms.

I put my bags on the ground and go to sleep. It had been so long ago when I slept here for the last time.

I lie in bed. I close my eyes and go to sleep.

When I wake up the next morning I smell bacon and eggs. And pancakes and coffee. And some more breakfast stuff.

"Merry christmas!" my mom says as I walk inside the kitchen.

"Merry christmas." I say. She hugs me.

My grandma and grandpa walk in the kitchen too. I hug them too.

We eat breakfast.

It is 10 am.

The rest of my family will come this afternoon.

I spend the day with my mom and grandparents. We talk about LA.

It is 2 pm when my aunt, oncle and niece get here.

Half an hour later my onlce and nephew arrive.

And 20 minutes later my aunt arrives.

We start with some tea and coffee before we all open our presents.

I got some new strings for my bass and a pick, some cool sunglasses and a new shirt. And some other stuff.

It is now three days later. I have seen ny family everyday.

I have thought about it a lot.

I'm gonna tell my aunt.

"Hey aunt Beth. Can we go for a walk?" I say.

"Sure." she says and gets up.

She is my favorite aunt. And she is a lesbian so I know she will accept me.

She has a wife but she is working today. She is a doctor.

"I wanted to talk with you." I say when we walk over the sidewalk.

"I figured that. Spill it." she says with a smile on her face.

"There is someone I like. But I don't know what to do with it." I say.

"Who is it?" She says.

"My neighbour." I say.

"Can you decsribe them for me?" She says.

"Uhhh lets see. Beautiful blue eyes, amazing long blond hair. A smile to die for." I say.

I can't think of bad things about Steven.

"What's his name." She says.

"W-what made you think it's a he." I say. Is it that obvious that I'm gay? Am I even gay?

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