27. going back

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Duffs pov:

I wake up 5 hours later.

We still need to drive four hours untill we're at the border.

"How did you sleep?" Steven asks.

"Fine." I say.

When we get to the next gasstation Steven and I switch seats.

We start driving again.

"Duff." Steven says after an hour.

"Yes?" I say.

"What if they don't let us go?" he says.

Fuck. I didn't think about that.

"It'll turn out fine." I say after a few seconds.

"And if they do let us go, what will we do? What if the police gets us?" Steven says.

I think about that for a second.

"What do we tell our parents?" He asks.

"I... I don't know." I say.

"We'll just do what feels good." I say and put my hand on his leg.

The ABBA cd has started again for the third time.

We're hungry, tired, thirsty and scared.

The remaing three hours to the border is quiet.
Except from some small talk about things we see at the side of the road.

It isn't awkward, we're just tired.

I see the border in the distance.

It is way more bussier on this side.

"Close your window." I say to Steven.

There are a lot of people at the side of the road who want to cross the border.

It doesn't take that long until it's our turn.

"Hello, papers please." a woman asks.

We both give our pasports.

She looks tired and kind of done with all this bullshit.

"Have a nice day." She says as she gives us back our pasports.

"Thanks, you too." I say and start driving.

I hear Steven sighing of relief.

"We're almost there, than all of this will be over." I say.

"I hope so." Steven says.

That fucks me up.

It sounded so hopeless.

Like he doesn't believe we will ever be free.

Will we be free once we get back? What if they don't let us go?

I have to stay strong. For Steven.

Three more hours and we're back at the place.

Three long hours. I'm scared. I've been scared this entire time. But I can't show it. I have to stay strong for Steven.

When we get back to the building, we see the group of guys standing there. I see Jack.

"How did it go?" one of them asks. With a stupid grin on his stupid face.

"The money is in the trunk." I say.

We get out.

"Look, we wont tell the police. Can you please let us go? We can't call the police because we're just as guilty." I say.

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