🥦Izuku Midoriya🥦 x Reader: Healing

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So yep, we got the first one-shot, coming right up!


"Hi Recovery Girl!" You exclaim, walking into her office and taking a seat on one of the beds.

"Hi Y/N. You seem chipper today." She says and you nod.

"I've never got to really help out in an actual nurse's office." You say happily, laying your lunch tray on the table and your bag down beside the bed.

"I thought your healing quirk would be great for helping me out and that it would be nice to have a first year to teach. " She says, turning to you.

"We'll, I'm glad you chose me! Do kids come here often?" You ask and she nods.

"Usually after or during their hero training, which is around now." She says smiling as you nod.

"Ah- makes sense." You say, placing your breakfast tray in your lap.

Since you were helping out in the infirmary, you got a free pass to eat breakfast, made by Lunch Rush, in her room in the mornings. It was nice being able to get called out of your support studies class to help with a student.

You finish your breakfast quickly and set the tray aside, wiping the corners of your mouth with the back of your hand.

Once you do so, the door opens and a boy with floofy green hair is being wheeled in by the robots. "He's a regular student." She says and you smile nervously.

"Great. Nothing looks major. Maybe just some broken bones. An easy fix!" you say looking over to Recovery Girl who gives you a nod.

The robots set him on the hospital bead and you kneel beside the bed. You grab his broken wrist and then check his pulse. It's slow, but stable.

He opens his eyes and turns to you. You smile warmly at him and you lean him upwards. "I...uh...hi. I'm Y/N L/N and i'm helping out Recorvery Girl." You stutter.

You place your hand on his arm, feeling the bones bond together. You then take his hand in yours, blushing slightly. You feel his grasp around your hand tighten and then you waist for the bones to bond.

"Don't move." You say, feeling the bones bond together as you let go of his hand. He looks over to you, blushing slightly.

"I-Im Izuku Midoriya." He says and you smile. You watch him inspect his bones and then sit down in a nearby chair."Anything wrong?" You ask and he shakes his head.

"Nope. Thanks L/N- chan." He says."No problem. It's what I'm here to do!" You say proudly as both of you laugh slightly.

"D-Do you maybe wanna eat lunch with me and my friends?" He asks and you nod hesitantly.

"Is it fine if I go?" You ask Recovery Girl and she nods. "Of course. I'll call you back if you need anything." She says and then you quickly sling your bag over your shoulder.

"Ready?" You ask and he nods. You two walk into the hallway, after you giving a quick wave and closing the door.

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