Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu X Reader : Hey Pretty Stranger

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Haven't done any songfics in a while, so here ya go!

Song is 'Your Text' by Sundial

Hey pretty stranger, I think you look cute. Can I get your number? I wanna know you.

You look over at the silver-haired boy from across the big meeting room they used to bring both of the first year hero course classes together. You remember him from the sports festival and from his match with Kirishima.

It was one of the first weeks after the sports festival, and they wanted us to try getting to know someone from the other class as an icebreaker for both classes.

We are supposed to get to know them better and then we make up quizzes to make sure you listened to them and that they listened to you.

"I think I'm going to talk to Komori! She looks so shy and it would be great to break her out of her shell a little. And Tetsutetsu's over there too, eeh Y/N~" Mina teases, elbowing you in the chest. A pink hue makes it way onto her face.

Before you can respond, she grab a your arm and drags you over to them. They stop their conversation to look at you and Mina. She let's go of you and smiles brightly at them.

"Hi, I'm Mina and this is my friend Y/N! She wanted to be your partner Tetsutetsu, but she was just a bit too shy to come over to you herself!" Mina says as the hue grows redder by the second.

"M-Mina!" You stutter out, covering your face in your hands.

"I'd be happy to be your partner Y/N." He says, much to your surprise. As you smile, you can feel his hand on your wrist, attempting to pry your hands away from your flushed face. You bring your hands down from your face, and then to him with a smile. He blushes slightly, giving you a lopsided smile. He rubs the nape of his neck.

Tell me your secrets, tell me your fears. Nobody will notice, let's get outta here.

"Since this is our last class after all, would you like to hang out after school? There's a nice cafe nearby!" He asks you as you nod happily. Sounded like the best idea anyone's had all day.

"Sure!" You say as the bell rings, almost right on cue.

[T i m e S k i p]

Hey girl don't catch me looking. Oh boy I caught you staring. What do you think of me? Do you think of me?

You looked up to catch his glance, a small smile growing on your face. He was looking at you, but why? He glances back down at his menu as you study his face. The yellow around his eyes, his spiky purple hair that sometimes fell over his face, his pointy teeth...

He catches your gaze, causing you to blush and look down at your menu as well. Dang it, he definitely saw you... You tried to get a read on his emotions, but to no prevail. Oooooof Coooourse.

You got that new style, you wear that perfect smile I'll take you on a date. Are you free saturday?

"Would you possibly, I don't know...Have time to hang out next weekend?" You ask him, slightly surprised at your own actions along with him.

"That would be great!" He says happily, a smile growing on his face as the waitress comes over. I order a small slice of cake and Tetsutetsu does the same.

And I think I like you, I like you, I like you. And I hope you do too, you do too, cause I like you.

You two begin to enjoy your desserts, making small talk to each other about some of your different hobbies and how a regular day goes for both of you. You even share some hobbies that you were planning to enjoy with him one day. Turns out, he also likes to go on morning runs around the same time you do!

You try to lean a little bit farther over the table to use your quirk and get a general read on his thoughts. 'I hope Kirishima wasn't lying to me about her...'

What? He talked to Kirishima about you? For what? Probably to get some intel before you guys went out to make sure you weren't completely insane.

You two finish desserts and he offers to pay and ends up paying after you insisting to multiple times and him saying it was 'unmanly' of him to let you pay. You two also exchange numbers, texting until you fall asleep.

[T i m e S k i p]

Hey pretty stranger, I think you look cute. I don't think I've ever met someone like you.

"Do I look okay?" You ask Uraraka as she nods to you.

"You look fine! He's going to be in awe when he gets here. Ooooh its gonna be great!" She squeals, almost shattering your eardrums for the 15th time.

"Jeez, calm down Uraraka!" You say to her while laughing as you hear the doorbell ring.

"Oh gosh, well you better get going!" She says, handing you your backpack and pushing you towards the door.

You open it, face to face with him. You're so close, you're practically breathing on him. You go in for a hug to make it look somewhat normal and he returns the hug, laying his head on top of yours.

You two were just going to take a stroll around Tokyo and the places around campus to find more places to go that weren't far from the dorms.

People come and go, but I'm here to stay. Just call my name, we'll be okay.

Hey girl don't catch me looking, Oh boy I caught you staring.
What do you think of me? Do you think of me?

You two kept exchanging glances as you walk around, finding each other cute as both of you point out different things at a street fair( it was a quick change of plans, but a good change). You couldn't get a good read of his feelings with your mind not at ease from spending the day with him.

You got that new style, you wear that perfect smile. I'll take you on a date. Are you free Saturday?

Then it slowly became a routine, even after you two took the test and passed each other's test with 100 percent. You would meet up on Saturday and hang out the street fair, and also text almost all the time about various things(mostly memes).

You hear the bell ring to end your final class, a bright smile on your face! You shoot up and slowly file out of the classroom along with everyone else. When you get outside, you can see Tetsutetsu running up to you in the distance.

"Y/N! Wait up!" He shouts as you begin to speedwalk towards him.

"Hey!" You say to him happily before jumping onto him for a hug. He gives you a tight hug, you being able to feel his rapid heartbeat.

And I think I like you, I like you, I like you. And I hope you do too, you do too, cause I like you.

"I love you Y/N, more than you could ever imagine. You make my days even brighter and give me something amazing to look forward to every weekend. You light up my life, wherever you go. Even if we aren't together, you still brighten up my life." He says to you as you freeze, a giant smile and blush growing onto your face.

"I love you too, Tetsu."

This ended up waaaaaaay longer than i expected, but i hole you guys like it!

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