❄️Todoroki Shoto X Reader: Happy Birthday!🔥

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Your P.O.V

I hear a knock on my door and rush over to open it. Oh thank goodness, it's Bakugo.

"Stop being an idiot and go give him the fucking gift." He says immediately before sitting down on my bed.

"But what if he doesn't like it?" I say, pacing around. The gift in question was sitting on your dresser, very cutely and beautifully wrapped. It had taken me 15 minutes and a few youtube videos to wrap everything perfectly. I only have OCD with certain things.

One of them is gift wrapping.

"Then he's an idiot. It is fucking scientifically proven that your gifts are the absolute fucking best." Bakugo says, turning on my TV. He begins to flip through the channels before he settles on a drama that you two had grown to start watching together.

"Bring your ass over here and stop worrying about it. We have like 2 hours till the party anyways, and you've already done a lot in preparation."

"I feel like I haven't done enough though..." I trail off, sitting down next to him.

"Why? You've taken part in literally every aspect of the planning." He grumbles.

"No, I haven't."I say, grabbing the bag of popcorn off of my desk. I set the bag in between us.

"Let's see. You researched for almost an hour to find the absolute best recipe for his favorite flavor, you bought ingredients, you baked his cake, you created a snack list, you assigned people different committees, you bought decorations this morning, you helped decorate this morning, you made invitations, you sent invitations, you made a playlist, you worked out how to get speakers for music, you helped everyone else pick out gifts, you somehow managed to have time to buy and make your own gift today, need I go on?" He says, taking a fistful of popcorn.

"I guess I did then..." I say, scratching my head. He sighs.

"Just relax, everything's gonna be fine." He says as I take a handful of popcorn.

"Easy for you to say! You don't have a chance of being rejected." I say, crossing my arms.

"Okay, but he'd be an idiot not to like you. So that's out of the question." He says, causing me to smile.


"No problem."

[Time Skip]

"What do you mean you can't find the speakers?" I say with panic. Everything was going fine...up until now.

"Wait! Don't worry about it, it'll be fine." I say, quickly hanging up on Sero. I hope he doesn't take it personally.

"Momo! Hey, how are you doing? Great. I hate to ask, but can you make a speaker? Sero can't find the one we were supposed to use for the party...You can? Ah, thank you so much! I'll make sure to get you something later...I don't care, you're a lifesaver. Thanks!" I hang up the phone and set it down on the table.

As soon as I set it down, it rings once again. It's Fuyumi! I had asked her if she would take him out pretty much all day to give us time to prepare for the party. She was really happy to, thankfully.

"Hey, Fuyumi! How's it going?"

"Well, everything's going according to plan. We're on our way back from the ice cream shop now, we'll be there in about 6-7 minutes!"

"Perfect! Text me when you get to the bushes!"

"Okay, see you in a bit, L/N!"

"See you in a bit!" I hang up and put my phone in my back pocket.

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