🧡Sero Hanta X Reader: First Date🧡

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"I mean, are you sure this isn't too much?" You ask the girls of 1-A while you turn around. This had been like the 7th outfit you tried on in the last 15 minutes.

"I think you look great! Not too dressy and also not too casual!" Uraraka says before clapping f her hands together. You look at yourself in the mirror and smile.

The outfit you had on was a light blue off-the-shoulder top, a pair of black shorts, black knee-high socks, and white sneakers. You also had on a pair of heart earrings and a locket. To hold your phone and other essentials, you had a small white phone shoulder bag.

"I think so too, kero." Tsuyu says as you look back at the girls.

"So, about your hair..." Momo trails off while placing a finger on her chin. Mina walks up to you and fluffs your hair.

"She should be fine." Mina says quickly.

"Here, put this in her hair." Momo says as she makes a big white rose hair clip from her hand. Mina takes it from her and makes her way up to you. She takes some hair behind the left side of your ear and pins it back.

"There you go! I think you're ready...What do you think about her look girls?" Tooru says as the rest of the girls smile and nod.

"I can't even thank you guys enough for this." You say as you take a seat on your bed.

"Its just like a cute cliche. Childhood friends become lovers!" Tooru says, causing you to blush lightly.

"I never got the full story of your relationship anyway. Who asked who out?" Mom asks as you blush harder and look away.

"Uhm, he asked me out last week... We didn't end up having the date until today because of all of the rain and other stuff going on." You say as the girls squeal.


"Y/N? Could I talk to you?" Sero asked as you nodded.

"Sure!" You replied while unlocking your dorm room. You opened the door and then plugged in your phone on the nightstand near your bed. You took a seat on your bed and lightly pat the space next to you.

"So, what would you like to talk about?" You asked him as you took off your shoes and placed them into your closet. You looked back at Sero as his face went red.

"We've been best friends for a long time now Y/N..." He trailed off as you went back and sat next to him again. You nodded, egging him to continue.

"And I can't hold this back from you any longer." Sero said as you blushed lightly.

"This could potentially ruin our while friendship, but I hope it doesn't whether this goes well or horribly." He said and sighed.

"Y/N, you've been there for me for everything and you being around me can light up my day no matter what had me down. You're the best friend a guy could ask for, so I would like to ask if you could be the best girlfriend I could ask for. " Sero said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out two necklaces. You covered your mouth, almost in tears.

The guy you've liked for all this time...he likes you back! There's no need to be scared for the risk of rejection no more!

"So Y/N, would you please be my girlfriend?" Sero said as you immediately tackled him in a hug.

"I would love that!" You said with a red face as you looked up to meet his gaze.

[Flashback Over]

You hear a knock on the door as you suddenly grab your phone pouch and slip your phone in there.

"Y/N are you ready to go?" Sero asks as you find yourself smiling uncontrollably. You look back at the rest of the girls as they wave you on to go on your date.

You open the door as Sero's face goes red.

"You look beautiful." Sero says as you blush.

"Thank you, you also look amazing." You say as he smiles. You close the door behind you as you two walk over to the elevator. You press the button as the doors open.

"So, how's your day been so far?" You ask as he flashes you a smile.

"Mines been great, just got a lot better." He says with a wink.

"How's yours been?" He asks as you smile brightly.

"Mine's been pretty great." You say as the elevator doors open. You two walk through the common area and out of the dorm building. Once you get out of the building, Sero grabs your hand.

"Let's start our date." He says as you give his hand a small squeeze.

"Nothing would be better." You say happily.

Sorry for the hiatus!

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