PART 3: One Problem At a Time

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"I'm leaving!" I said while heading for the door. Holding my backpack in one hand and my toothbrush in the other.

"Say hi to Ned for me" may yelled from the other room.

"Sure" I said while rinsing my mouth out in the kitchen sink then walking out the door. Closing it behind me. I took the bus to get there because I didn't feel like walking. Finally, making it just in time for school. I looked up and saw Ned heading towards me.

"Hey...Did you made the news" he said while showing me his phone. I let out a laugh, joking about it. We walked casually through the school doors and into the crowded hall way. I opened my locker and got my books out. I closed it and started to walk to the front desk. Then I saw her...with her hair down at the front desk talking to the lady up front. I stopped, refusing to go in and make a fool out of myself. I was never good at talking to people. Mid thought the bell rang. I shook out of it and walked to first period and sat down.

"Introduce Yourself" I heard the teacher say. I looked up and saw the girl again by him.

"Veronica" she finally replied looking at the floor. I could tell she was nervous. She slowly walked to the seat next to me. I looked at her and finally got the courage to say something "Hi...I'm peter" that was dumb

"Hi" she said. I smiled at her and looked forward. Hours later and I was at my last class. Biology. I looked at the clock and booked for the door before the last bell rang. I managed to get outside without anyone seeing me and jumped over the fence. I made it to an empty alley and ripped my backpack open getting my suit out. "Finally" I said to myself. I decided to call Happy one more time before I head out. It went straight to voice mail so I hung up. I already left to many voice mails anyway. I sighed and swung away.


I decided to take a quick break and eat the sandwich that I didn't eat yesterday. I knew I shouldn't eat it but I was starving. I opened the packaging and taking a big bite out of it. I couldn't stop thinking about that girl. The way her eyes matched the sun when she looked at me. Her pale tan skin matching nicely with her hair. Mid thought I heard a very loud alarm from afar. "Finally something good" I jumped and followed the noise to an ATM stop. i ran towards it and saw 4 guys breaking in. I walked in casually resting my arm against the wall.

"Hey guys...whoa your the avengers..I'm spider man. Nice to finally meet you" They all looked at me shoving money into a suitcase. They all pointed a weird looking gun at me. I webbed them trying to avoiding being hit. I casually beat the crap out of them but then they used their weird alien looking gun on me and I went straight to the ceiling. I couldn't move until I fell face down onto the floor. I looked up and saw that the gun was floating out of Iron mans hands. Then this figure came out of nowhere and punched him in the face then disappears. Suddenly, I saw her pin him against the wall. "Whoa" I mumbled then realizing I should do something. I got up and leaped towards Thor and Hulk webbing them to the wall. I kept shooting at them making sure there were sticked to the wall. I heard police sirens coming down the street. Just in time!

"Authors Note"

This is Peters point of view of the last chapter. This is also a scene from the movie but I twisted it a little bit. I hope you liked it! :)

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