PART 4: The New Me

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I looked at him still holding the guy to the wall. I looked at my hands realizing what I was doing. I put my hands down and backing away, making him hit the floor. While my hands flashing in series of purple and blue lights. Until I heard sirens coming from the lightly lit street. I took a deep breath and got the courage to walk out the door. Not even turning around to look at Spiderman. I didn't want to stay there any longer knowing there could be security cameras. A few moments later the cops showed up and swarmed the place.I started to run across the street before anyone started to ask questions.

"Hey" I heard behind me. I turned around and saw Spider-Man coming towards me. His voice kinda low and sounded odd.

"Hi?" I said trying to find a way to cancel this conversation because it felt too awkward.

"I just wanted to say thank you for saving me back there. You were awesome" he said breathing from the short distance he ran to talk to me. I couldn't tell what his facial expressions were but I could tell that he had some sympathy for me.

"I was?" I said confused about this whole thing and scared of whats going to happen next. I barely have any experience with my powers. It felt like I have done this before.

"Yeah without you who knows what could of happened...I'm Spider-Man by the way." he said holding out his hand for me to shake it. I looked at him then at his hand. I was hesitant but I convinced myself to shake his hand. "I know..."I said shaking his hand then letting go feeling the warmth of his hand leave mine. Neither of us said anything after that. Just his eyes widened.

"See you around" I said. It felt very awkward leaving but I had to get home. I walked to my backpack and putting it over my shoulder. My dad is going to kill me.

I walked into a random store without noticing where I was going and dashed to the nearest restroom. I looked around and under the stalls making sure no one was there. I took of my scarf and washed my face. I can't believe I did that. I didn't do anything like that before . I didn't really understand what my powers were. Nobody knows. Well except for Spider-Man.

I immediately got home and went straight to my room. Nobody was in the living room which was strange so I decided to go to bed early. The rest of the night I was trapped in my thoughts. I thought my powers were here for a reason. I always wanted to help people but never knew how. I can't just be sitting around and do nothing. While people out there need help.

I wanted to go out again but never found an excuse too. I got up and went to the bathroom. I put my hair in a messy bun and walked out. Put on a pair of jeans and a black t shirt. Grabbed my backpack and walked to the kitchen.

"Morning" Dad said while cooking something in the microwave. My dad was not "chef" material but he would pull out an amazing meal sometimes. He tries his best and I appreciate it.

"Morning" I said letting out a breath and casually sitting next to my brother at the table. Who was shoving cereal in his mouth.

"Can you walk yourself to school. I gotta drop Mikey off early." he said taking out the oatmeal he was making out of the microwave.

"Yeah I can. I should leave then. I can get breakfasts somewhere" I said while grabbing my backpack and making sure I had everything.

"Ok be safe" he replied.

"I will. Bye bubba" I said waving at my brother who was still chewing his cereal. I walked to the nearest cafe and got what I usually get. They would always give me a look when I ordered. The look of annoyance and frustration. I never understood why. I didn't really care what they thought about me. All I wanted was my coffee. It was a long walk to school. Many thoughts going through my head. Should I be worried? Do people know who I am and what I'm capable of?

"Authors Note"

This part of the story is manly her exploring with her powers and where she got them from. The frustration its giving her. And this is the first time she finally talks to Spider-Man. I hope you like it! Comment your thoughts. :)

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