PART 17: Hero

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I woke up, feeling a hand tapping my face aggressively. I shook their hand off my face with a glare.

"Ooh, a feisty one," He said backing away. I tried to open my mouth but they were closed shut . Noticing there was tape over my mouth and my hands cuffed behind my back. I felt nauseous and dizzy. I felt like I was going to be sick. Trying to use my powers to faze through the cuffs but it didn't work.

"Don't even try pretty girl, it won't is specially made for people like you!" the man said walking up to me and pointing at it. He looked through my pockets and grabbed my phone. Throwing it across the room. Seeing it being shattered into pieces. I looked beside me at the motel phone as I waited until the men left the room. I watched them as they walked outside as I started to move inch by inch, knocking the telephone over and landing in my lap. I licked the duck tape off of my mouth and continued using my fingers to tap in a number. I waited, ducking down to hear it ringing. Until he answered.

"Hello?" he said in a calm and curious tone. I was happy to hear his voice.

"Peter!?...peter..please! I whispered into the dusty phone. The men barged through the door and noticing that I was talking on the phone. He ran over to me grabbing my face and taking the phone. My eyes widened as he stared at me up close. "Don't listen to him!" I screamed. He walked away and the guy next to him pointed his gun at me, slowly pacing around my area. He put the tape over my mouth again as I shoved him. Making him hit the ground. He called the guy over who was on the phone. He put the phone back and grabbed a needle from his suit. Stabbing it into my thigh without me realizing it.

"Boss will love to meet you!" He said while darkness caved in. I woke up what felt like hours and looked around. It was pitch black and freezing cold. I couldn't see or hear anything. I heard someone say something but I was still was out of it. Until the door opened in front of me and a whoosh of bright light hit me. I whipped my head beside me, filching at the light as I blinked trying to focus on the object in front of me. As I saw Peter in his suit, bend to my level grabbing my shoulders. Checking if I was okay. My eyes widened as he carefully took the tape off of my mouth.

"Peter!?... How did you-" I whispered surprised that he was here.

He didn't say anything and unlocked the heavy handcuffs off of my hands. I immediately put my arms around him as I looked out and saw that he knocked the guys out. We looked at each other until I heard something click. We both looked to the side seeing another guy at the door pointing the gun at us nervously. "Look put-' he said then a source of electricity ran through his body and landed face down. We watched as he hit the floor, seeing Ned behind him with a web shooter in his hands.

"Ned what are you doing here?!" Peter yelled.

"I couldn't let you do this by yourself." He said confidently. I looked at him and smiled shockingly.

"Come on!" Ned yelled leading us to a busted car. We all got in and we carefully drove off. "Who were those Guys!" Ned yelled.

"I don't know but they said that their boss needed me for something!" I said.

"What!?" Peter yelled as he took off his mask. His hair falling out in such a way onto his face. I looked at him and had a worried look on my face. We drove trying not to be seen but it seemed that none of them could drive and we finally made it to my place.

"Now what?" Ned said as we all looked at my apartment building. We looked at each other as Peter put his mask back on. Only covering half of his face as we opened the doors of the car. Walking towards the building and walked inside to my door.

"You guys should go home...Thank you!" I said hugging them both, kissing them on the cheek. Finally, turning around towards the door then back at them. They nodded as I started to open the door. Seeing my dad on the phone with a worried look on his face. Then hanging up as soon as he saw me.

"Where did you go!" he yelled. Walking towards me, "I got a team of investigators looking for you!"

I looked at him with tears streaming down my face. I put my hand up and made them shine with colors. The most beautiful things you will ever see. He looked at me with a shocked and scared expression. I made it go away as I put my hands down. "I had these powers ever since mom died and didn't experiment with them until we moved here..." I said looking at him with a scared look. He was totally confused and quickly went to the kitchen and grabbed a beer gulping it down with stress.

"Who knows!?" He said putting it down. I hesitated. Thinking about Ned and Peter. "nobody" was my answer with a quiet tone.

I shifted my head downwards and looked at my hands. "I can also move objects, faze and go invisible," I said looking up at him. He widened his eyes looking at me, putting his hand on his head.

"I need a second to think about this," he said. I nodded and turned around quickly going into my room. I leaned against the door and put my hands to my face realizing what I got my self into.

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