PART 13: Lifeless

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I walked to my room and opened the door casually. Walked inside and sat down on my bed. Looking at myself in my mirror until the whole ground started to shake. I stood up and held myself up with my desk in shock. We don't get earthquakes in New York!? Then it stopped. I heard the sound of panic coming from outside my window. The kind of sound you will never get used to. I walked towards it in curiosity and pushed it upwards. I looked out and saw people screaming and running away from something. My eyes widened as I saw a huge spaceship that was tearing up the city. 

"Oh my god!" I gasped and quickly shut my window. I went into my closet and grabbed my boots and my mask, putting them on. I went through my fire escape and dropped to the ground. I ran towards the ship, seeing it with fear in my eyes. It was going by fast. I have never experienced anything like this before. I put my hands out in front of me, trying to move it the other way, but it was not working. "I need to get closer." I mumbled following the trail that it was leaving behind. I finally got close enough and went in front of it. Once again putting my hands out and trying to stopped it from moving closer. Feeling a source of energy coursing through my body. I closed my eyes then opened them to see purple lights coming out of my hands. Surrounding The ship with it. stopped.  I turned around and felt this massive headache and felt very dizzy. Putting my hands on my head trying to keep it from pounding. My vision blurry and trying to hold my ground. I couldn't keep my eyes open and all I wanted to do was lay down. I felt like my heart was beating out of my chest with my uncontrollable breathing on top of it. I saw this dark figure come towards me as the darkness caved in. They  said something but I couldn't understand them because of the lifeless feeling. Then every inch of my body started to go limp and everything went black.


 I webbed my backpack to a trash bin and swung to the nearest building. People running in panic pushing and shoving each other as I swung building to building. I looked up and saw the ship from the news. 

"Karen call Ned!" I yelled

"Sure thing Peter"

"Dude where are you I cant get a signal." he said as he picked up the phone.

"I'm on 5th avenue! Heading towards the huge spaceship!" I yelled confused on where I'm going or what I'm getting myself into.

"Watch o-u-t - f-o-r -t-h-e...." 

"Ned!" I said. I looked forward and saw that a sign was coming my way. I quickly dodge it and looked at it as it went behind me. "Yes!" I said looking forward and ran into another sign. "". Shaking my head as I hit the ground. Now seeing the ship right in front of me. In my path, getting closer. I ran and shot two spider-webs, holding my ground. Using all my strength to make it stop. I immediately fell to the ground as I lost my grip. Now going even faster, turning left. I quickly followed it and suddenly it was stopped in the middle of the road. 

"What the hell!" I said in confusion as I ran going in front of it. My eyes widened in shock as I saw Lucent with her hands up towards it. She stopped it?

I looked at her and saw she was putting her hand on her head. Shes in pain...

"Are you okay?!" I screamed but she looked pail and weak. I saw her eyes go to the back of her head and went limp in my arms. I grabbed her as she started to slip out of my grip. I turned to see everyone with their phones out. You've got to be kidding me!.. I picked her up and webbed to the nearest building. Heading up state. "Stay with me!" I said carry her lifeless body and swinging my way down the street. Out of view of everyone else. 

"Karen! I need you to call Mr.stark!"

"Sure thing"


"Kid...where are you! Theres a huge spaceship terrorizing the city!" Tony yelled. 

"Don't worry about that! I need you its an emergency.."

"Why what happened!?"

"I'll explain later but I can't go to the hospital...are you at Headquarters.?" I said on my way there.

"Now I am! Somebody stopped the ship and it looks like nobody is in it!" he said

"Okay I'm heading over there right now. I'll meet you there." I said and hung up. I finally made it there and walked through the emergency entrance holding her in my arms. I saw Tony running up to me and showed me to a room. Directing me to put her down.

 "What happened?" he asked

"I don't know exactly. I saw her stop the alien ship so I went up to her and she fainted." I told him clenching my fist.

"Her heart rate is low" he said by putting his finger by her neck. He quickly got up and grabbed his things. 

"Can you help her?" I asked taking my mask off. Trying to find a way to help.

"I don't know but I can try" He said walking to her and putting a triangle shaped glowy thingy on her chest pulling up a monitor. Showing her vitals. 

"She'll be okay" he said. I looked at him and then at her. I stared at her lifeless body. I grabbed my head and started pacing around the room. "Are you sure!"

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