PART 9: A Shout To Hope

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  I saw him go into the night as I was regretting my life decisions. I should go home. I thought. I went invisible and jumped down to the ground safely. I walked home and slowly opened the front door. The floor boards creaked as I stepped on them. Walking to couch and looked over and saw my dad sleeping with the TV on. I turned the TV off and brought him a blanket. I walked across the hall, taking my mask off and opened Mikey's door. He lied in bed breathing slowly as I closed the door gently. I smiled and took a few steps backwards and leaned against my door before I fell onto my bedroom floor. Without opening my door. I felt this sharp pain on my side but nothing too serious. I looked up and saw that my legs were still on the other side. I quickly took my legs out and realized I completely fazed through my door. "That's new" I mumbled completely shocked. I shook it off and took off my boots. I went to my bathroom and changed. I flopped onto the bed... and fell right to sleep. 

  I quickly got up and checked my phone still half asleep. 7:45am. I sighed and got up from my bed, pulling the sheets off of me.  I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I didn't want to go to school because I knew I would see Peter. T would just be really awkward. I really needed someone to talk too. I walked to my closet and grabbed random clothing and put my hair in a braid. I walked into the living room and went straight to the kitchen. 

"Good morning" my dad said while getting my brother ready for school. 

"I'm running late so I'll see you after school." I said grabbing my things and rushing to the fridge and grabbing a apple

 "Okay" he said holding his hands up backing away to let me through. 

 "bye buddy" I said messing up Mikey soft hair. I walked out the door and out to the sidewalk. What am I going to say to Peter? Should I tell him? No it's to early, I barely know him. I was nervous of what I was going to say. I like him and I shouldn't judge him. I opened the school doors and walked to my locker. "Hi" I heard a voice say behind me.  I closed my locker to see Peter. I took a deep breath. "Hi"

"Wanna walk to first period" he asked crossing his arms nudging his head in the right direction. 

"Sure" I said. Taking a deep breath walking beside him. 

"I'm sorry I didn't show up yesterday... I was... really busy." he said looking at me. I looked at him and saw the grief in his eyes. I looked at him and put my hand on his arm. Whoa.

 "I understand...and I forgive you" I said smiling looking at my hand as I let go and  put it back on my backpack strap. I understood that we can't always be there sometimes. 

  We walked in and sat down next to each other. Ned next to him looking at me and then at Peter with a surprised look on his face. Class was over and I walked next to Peter until we made it to my locker.

"Do want to come to my place?" He asked. I looked at him and smiled. 

  "Sure!" I said. Looking at him.

 "I'll see you after school" he said. 

"Okay"  I walked to my next class and couldn't stop thinking about him.

5 HOURS LATER  The bell rang and I walked out of my last class. I saw Peter and Ned waiting for me by the exit. We looked at each other and we headed for his house. We talked and finally made it there. He unlocked the door and we walked in. 

"Hello?" he yelled but no one answered. He led us into what looked like his room. I walked in last. I put my backpack down and sat on the floor. We had talked about school but manly about ourselves, so I got to know them a little bit more. We all looked at Peters door when we heard someone come in. Me and Peter looked at each other until we realized it was a lady

"Hey Peter I got take out! Hey Ned" she said then looking at me. "Hi I'm May" she said while holding out her hand.

 "Veronica" I said shaking her hand. Her cold hand touched mine and I gripped, raising my hand up and down. 

 "Veronica...nice to meet you." she said letting go of my hand and looking at me. 

"Nice to meet you too" I said as I pulled my hand out of hers and put my hand back in my pocket.

 " guys wanna stay for dinner. " She said as she pulled out the steaming food out of the bag. 

"Sorry I can't. I have to get home" Ned says while grabbing his backpack that was on the couch. "I can stay!" I said as We all said our good-byes as he closed the door behind him. I texted my dad before we sat down and ate. "Hey I'm eating at a friends house. So I'm gonna be late." I put my phone down and I already saw a plate fixed for me. "Thank You" I said to May. I looked at Peter and smiled and he smiled back.

a long one I know - ROSEHONEYLXS

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