PART 12: Suspicion

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  I shook the thought off of my mind. I have more important stuff to think about. I thought. School was over and I saw Peter and Ned talking near the doors. I paced towards them with excitement. "Lets go...oh and my dad is out of town so I have to pick up my brother from school" I said. "That's fine" Peter said looking at me, then at Ned who gave me an expression of whatever. I laughed and we started to walk. We chatted about our assignments and how they are useless all the way there. Until we made it to Rosewood Elementary. 

 "Be back in sec... wait here" I said and began to walk towards the school, dodging kids running at me while looking for Mikey. "Ronnie!" I heard a familiar voice say. I looked around and saw my brother running up to me with his arms stretched out wide. Giving me a hug. I felt his tiny arms wrap around my neck and the rush of his cold cheeks touch mine. "How was school?" I asked quietly, hugging him.

"It was okay...I guess" he said letting go and looking up at me. I stood up and began to turn the other way. 

"Ha me too" I said laughing walking to Peter and Ned. "Hey this is Mike" I said while my arm around my brother tightly against my side. "Whats up Mike...I'm Peter!" he said crouching down to his level then looking up at Ned. 

 "oh..Ned" he said looking at Peter then at Mikey. Mikey responded with a shy hello as he hid behind me. I laughed and grabbed his hand as we started walking home. I unlocked the door and walked inside.

 "What a nice place" Peter said behind me. "Thanks!" I said putting my backpack on the counter. "Do you want anything to eat" I asked Mikey.

 "Grilled Cheese!" He  screamed in excitement. "Do you want some?" I asked looking at Ned and Peter. "Sure" they said in unison. The three of them walked into Mikey's room. Peter looked behind as I looked at them. I washed my hands and grabbed the stuff to make the sandwiches. Off of the distance I heard them talking excitedly as I put the bread with the cheese into the toaster oven.

"They must be getting along" I muttered. I jumped as the oven rang its annoying tone and I put the grilled cheeses on plates. I walked towards Mikey's room with the sandwiches and gave them each one. They exchanged thank yous as I sat on Mike's bed clenching my legs against my chest. I looked at them as they played with his action figures. 

"Who's your favorite superhero" Peter asked Mike putting his plate down. He looked around and grabbed his action figure. "Spider-Man!" He yelled while holding up it in the air with one hand. Peter let out a quiet laugh and smiled at him. I looked at him and heard my phone buzz. I picked it up and saw that my dad texted me. I opened it and it read. 

"I'm on my way." My eyes widened and immediately texted him back. 

"Okay we are at the house. I picked up Mikey from school."

"Thank you love" he replied.

I stood up still on my phone and grabbed Mikey's plate. Walking out of his room and into the hall way. I walked into the kitchen and put the dish into the sink. I turned around to see Peter behind me. 

 "Your brother is adorable" he said putting his plate in the sink. 

"He is" I replied. He walked over to the counter and sat on the chair. 

  "I wanted to ask you you..?" He asked me smiling nervously. His face turning a little red. I smiled at him and I already knew what he was about to ask saying... 

"I already know what your about ask and yes."

 His cheeks turned red at my response and I gave him a smile. We walked back into the room and sat down on Mikey's bed watching him as he played. When we heard someone come in the front door forcefully. All of us stopped what we were doing and quickly looked at the bedroom door. I looked at Peter with a frightened look. Peter looking at Ned then at me with a serious look. Then we all looked at the door again. Peter slowly walked to it clenching his fist. Me behind him. We took a peek and saw my dad walking in with a bunch of stuff in his hands. We both sighed of relief and stepped out. 

"Hey!" my dad said putting the stuff down on the counter. "Daaad!" Mikey yelled running passed all of us to him and wrapping his arms around him. My dad looked up and saw Peter and Ned beside me. 

"I'm Veronica's can call me Joe" he said putting his hand out waiting for Peter to grab it. 

"Peter" he said shacking his hand. "Nice to meet you...what a grip" Dad said. Then shaking Ned's hand. "Ned!..." they looked at each other then at me as I looked at Peter.

 "We should be going!" Ned said looking at his phone with a worried look on his face, tapping Peter's arm. Breaking the silence and walking to the door. Peter right behind him grabbing his backpack with confusion. He waved at me and smiled before Ned pulled him out and shut the door. "Bye?" I said. "What was that" I thought. "He's a nice one" my dad said sipping down his water. I shook my head in a way and walked to my room.

  Peters P.O.V

I waved at Veronica and opened my mouth to say something but Ned grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the apartment, shutting the door. "Hey!" I said in confusion and annoyance. "Look!" He said showing me his phone of the news. We looked at each other and ran out of the complex. I yelled at Ned to go home and call me there. I kept on running until I ran into an alley. Yanking my suit out of my bag. 

Whats going to happen next? What was Ned scared about? 

                               "Authors Note"

Just note that this book is manly on story building .Please let me know if you like it in the comments! Follow me if you want to know when I post the next chapter.

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