you have a piece of my heart

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i still remember the first day i met you

you made me laugh harder than i had in years

when i opened up to you the way you held me made me feel safer than i ever had and you didn't give me pity

you made love to me even though i cried aftrerwards you kissed my forehead and made me feel safe

my nightmares and flashbacks didn't push you away instead you helped me through them as best you could

the days where i was suidical or hurt myself you never judged me instead you comforted me along with your words and arms

then we went on that trip to new orleans and you kissed every chance you could

you helped me grow to love myself in the process of it all

each memory i have of you keeps me smiling through the night

sometimes i do miss you

i miss your touch

your skin against mine

every day im so glad you're in my life after everything

you'll always have a piece of my heart and i'll always have a piece of yours

thank you for loving me

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