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i still remember the things you did

the way you treated me for months making me more of a mess than i already was

my mind often replays those moments making me cry out

it's like a record that won't stop playing

i wish it would just end

then there's the person who gripped my hips and touched me when i couldn't utter the words no

if i said no would you have stopped or just kept going until you got off

why did do those things to me when we were supposed to be friends

thanks to you im terrified of being touched again

those memories replay again and again

i deserve ease from this pain

my head should be at rest

i can feel myself getting physically sick

maybe ill never be okay or at peace

i just wish my mind would stop replying things i don't want to remember so i can sleep at a decent hour

things ill never say (poetry)Where stories live. Discover now