memories of you

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i remember the most random things about you

like you hated peanut butter unless it was in a reese's peanut butter cup

or the fact that you would always sleep on your side so you could cuddle with me more easily

also i remember you knowing every single word to the songs that became our songs

then there was your obsession with belgium and you finally got to go

your favorite color i remember that too

and the way you like your coffee

the moles on your back i use to connect together with a marker while you told me it tickled

i love the little things about you

the things most don't know

it makes me emotional when the memories flood in sometimes

you're no longer mine and that's okay

i still have you in my life and i can remember all these things about you without being too sad

im sure there's things you remember about me that others don't know

it comforts me knowing we share memories

things ill never say (poetry)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن