stating names

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we sit in a circle

some of us next to people we consider friends

the others far away trying to find some form of solitude in the group of teenagers

i sit there in a baggy brown sweater that covers my bandaged arm

the nurse tells me it'll heal just like time apparently heals all wounds

i state my name, age, and some ice breaker question that we'll soon forget about and how im feeling

then my turn is over and someone else is stating their own name

it's been years since i was sitting in that room with teenagers like me but i haven't forgotten them

the people i met there

or the smell of anti-infection ointment that was rubbed on to my arms

i still have the hospital bracelet they made us wear locked away but it's in my room somewhere as a reminder

a reminder of when we all had to state our names

things ill never say (poetry)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang