Salvatore Boarding House... is actually??

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Bonnie's POV

Ok I'm walking to the Salvatore Boarding house assuming nothing's there, but all of a sudden I see a beautiful park with kids playing and their mothers watching them carefully. I'm at a loss for words as I just assumed the Salvatore house was just built on paddocks, now I'm starting to think that whoever decided to destroy this park and build a house is a dick... so it's possibly Damon who decided it.
All of a sudden I see Damon and Stefan walking into the park and I don't know what to do so I just decide to walk around not making any sort of eye contact with them and as I'm just walking around the ground starts to quake and then I falling into a crack in the ground not knowing what's going to happen to me then all of a sudden I feel someone grab me from falling completely into the crack possibly to my death and this man I assume considering how masculine their hand is pills me out of the crack and bring close to them and saying "are you ok? Is anything broken?" I instantly know the voice and weakly say "Damon" and then everything goes black.

Damon's POV
My brother and I are walking through the park and all of a sudden the ground starts to quake and the ground starts to form cracks I see a girl fall into one I run over to her and grab her hand and pull and ask "are you ok? Is anything broken?" Once I see her face I recognise her it's Bonnie?! Then she's weakly replies "Damon" and she passes out. I carry her bridal style and start running towards my brother and say " Stefan is everyone alright?!" He nods in reply and I say loudly so everyone can hear me "Ok everyone follow me and my brother ok we'll get out of here ok?" They start to follow me and my brother as the ground continues to quake and once we get to fells church I say "is everyone ok? The earthquake is over now I think we're all safe" the all say things like "thank you so much" and "yes I'm alright you are a brave man thank you". Then I look at Bonnie who is still in my arms and say to Stefan "let's get her to our place until she wakes up I think she just fainted out of shock" Stefan replies with "okay hopefully father doesn't mind" he better not, because this is a sweet, innocent and slightly strange girl that I jut happen to know well not really but still I'm aquatinted with her.

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