Arc 1.2 - Yao Chen's Obvious Pursue

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(A/N : this story just got released so I will release the chapters more frequently for a while. After some weeks I will probably go back to my schedule. Hui Jian at the top.)


As the alarm went off, it was once again 04:30 AM, Ming Jun was asleep with his phone in his hand.

Ming Jun smashed the alarm clock and grunted, "That Yao Chen guy....I couldn’t sleep because of him ba!"

Ming Jun didn't want to move for a while but Bái Qiú kept pestering him, again.

Ming Jun did the same morning routine, brushing his teeth, and taking a shower.

Ming Jun remembered about the application for being a part-time chef, and he was accepted.

At that time, the system suddenly said, [Congratulations, Host! You have completed your first side missions! [Make friends] mission complete! Host gets 100 points.]

Ming Jun thought about it, (Well, technically I made friends with Yao Chen but eh.)

Ming Jun asked the system, "So what did they talk about yesterday, that damn Bohai and Yao Chen?"

[Apparently, Bohai was caught spreading drugs in Yao Chen's turf, and Yao Chen wants compensation for that]

"Yao Chen's turf...? Bái qiú, dig up information about Yao Chen and Bohai."

[Alrighty, Host!]

After a few minutes, the system came back and said, [Shui Yao Chen is a 24 year old mafia boss, and he's the boss of the biggest mafia gang, known as the 'Yīnghuā group'. Yao Chen is also the CEO of Hui Jian’s rival company. Yao Chen decides to go to Hui Jian's company to deal with Bohai and take classified information from the spies in Hui Jian's company. In the original plot, Yao Chen was found out by Xia Yu because one of Yao Chen's right hand men was seduced by Xia Yu. Xia Yu immediately told Hui Jian and Yao Chen's business got bankrupt and then, he disappeared like air.]

"What about Bohai?", Ming Jun asked again.

[Bohai is the manager of this department because he had connections with some shady people, all the manager department’s work had all been done by Ming Jun in the original plot.]

"I see..", Ming Jun dressed up and went to work, and again, people were drooling over him.

Ming Jun goes to his desk, some female employee goes to his desk and gives coffee to him as she smiles sweetly, "Here, coffee for Ming Ge!"

"Thank you.", Ming Jun said as he smiled half-heartedly and was completely focused on his work.

Yao Chen fumes with anger, Yao Chen actually ordered one of his people to spy on Ming Jun, seeing the report that Ming Jun smiled at some other female employee he thought, (Ming Jun is mine!)

Yao Chen is actually a playboy so when he sees a beautiful person, regardless of whether they were men or women, he would date them. But, he kept his chastity for his special someone and he felt like Ming Jun is that special someone.

(A/N : such an innocent boy TvT)

Ming Jun finished work at 5pm, so he asked the system, "When is Xia Yu going to meet Hui Jian?"

The system answered, [Xia Yu will have the Male Protagonist's attention when her presentation that was made by Ming Jun, which is on Monday, since it got many good reviews. That presentation is for an event where any employee could attend and present good ideas for the company to grow. If the ideas are good, you will get a raise and possibly be the CEO's secretary!]

"...What day is today..?", Ming Jun then looked at the calendar on his desk and saw it was Thursday! Three more days until the presentation.

When he finished up the half-baked presentation for Xia Yu, he wears his thick glasses and goes to Xia Yu's desk and gives the presentation to her.

"H-here...", Said Ming Jun while fake stuttering and smirking inside.

"Chey! Finally! I waited for days because of this, Hmph!", Said Xia Yu as she flipped her hair and grabbed the presentation roughly.

Ming Jun went away and packed up to go home, before proceeding to go to the restaurant that he is hired for.

Ming Jun met up with the manager who seemed like a nice and easy going girl. Ming Jun then started to cook for his customers in the restaurant until 10 pm.

One of his customers is actually Yao Chen, but Ming Jun is the chef so he didn't know until after he finished work, before seeing Yao Chen in front of him.

"Y-yao chen? What are you doing here?", Said Ming Jun while stuttering slightly.

"I'm here to pick you up, bunny~", Yao Chen then kidnapped Ming Jun and blindfolded him, pulling him inside his car.

"While you were away working, I packed up your stuff in that worn-out apartment and moved it to my house!", Said Yao Chen while smiling and hugging Ming Jun.

"But you didn't get my permission, Idiot!", Said Ming Jun as he screamed.

"Now, now. At Least my wifey will live a good life in your hubby's house. And also, wifey can meet me everyday! Isn't that great?", Yao Chen continued.

"Who is your wifey!!? You're a wifey! Your whole family is a wifey!", Ming Jun said.

The system secretly recorded what happened, [Why am I forced to record Host wuu wuu...Host is so innocent...]

[Shut up and record!], Said one fujoshi female system.

[Why is jiejie so mean wuu wuu...], Cried the younger system.

Ming Jun gave the silent treatment to Yao Chen, so the drive to Yao Chen's house was silent.

As soon as he reached the house, Yao Chen took off the blindfold that was keeping Ming Jun from seeing anything. 

It took a few seconds to adjust to the light, but Yao Chen soon did a house tour for Ming Jun.

(Damn rich brats! Why is this house so big ba!) Ming Jun thought when he saw how big the house was.

"Where's my stuff?", Ming Jun asked Yao Chen.

"In my room.", Said Yao Chen while smiling at Ming Jun and pointing his fingers at the direction of his room.

When Ming Jun entered the room, the system made a sound. 

[Congratulations, Host! Host finished one of the side missions, [Stop living in the worn-out apartment and live somewhere decent, Host has 460 points now!]

Ming Jun wanted to puke blood when he heard that, (Finished a mission by staying in this idiot's house!!?).

Yao Chen irritated Ming Jun to the point where Ming Jun gave up and lived in his house. Ming Jun went to take a shower and used Yao Chen's clothes for a while. They were big but there’s nothing he could do, all of his clothes were full of holes already.

After Ming Jun finished showering, Yao Chen went to shower after him. However, while Yao Chen was showering, Ming Jun fell asleep without wearing pants.

When Yao Chen walked up to this cute scene, he fished out his phone and started to take photos, and he took a  lot of photos while he was nosebleeding.

When he was done, he laid his body beside Ming Jun and hugged him from behind. Ming Jun smelled like lavender and tea leaves, which gave him a comforting feeling that ran through him as he also fell asleep with his head on top of Ming Jun's neck.


(A/N : finally done with this chapter, I was obsessed with founder of diabolism lately because of the plot.)

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