Episode 2- "THE DINNER"

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Episode 2: (Edited) 

It was almost 5 pm in evening and I was drooling into this world of no-where. The land-line's shrill ring brought me back from the world. It was my best friend- yeah yeah every story has a best friend-Navya. Navya's dad was our Family Doctor from my grandfather's time. It's like her grandpa was my grandpa's family doctor, her dad was my dad's and she'd be mine in my future.

"Hey it's my dinner party, and I want you to come, and I wouldn't take no for an answer."

"No I can't. It's very rude of me to say no but it's your family dinner. And I wouldn't like interfering in it."I claimed hesitatingly

"Dudeeee! you shut up, your been considered as the very third daughter of my house. So shut your hole and flow along."  She roared. I am sure she gave me a dirty look and a pissed Navya is not something you'd like to see on the first Episode of my pathetic life. I looked at the clock up and then looked at mom who was sitting beside the telephone holder. She gave me a suspicious look and continued to look until a "hmm" gave Navya my answer.

I hung and told mom about it, she never had a problem about us hanging out together because our families were close since a long time. Navya and I hung out a lot and so did our families. We took walks, tours and small trips around the town together, it's fun. This time of the year, when we were in grade 11, it took us very little control over how much we hung out. So when it came to a dinner party, I naturally raided my wardrobe for clothes- now I was more of a jeans and sweatshirt kinds girl, so you can guess how difficult this would be for me- I called out to mom to decide what to wear. She suggested the most elegant of all,  'white and blue' kurta on 'blue' jeans. I looked ta her like she'd grown two heads, I mean seriously? Kurta and jeans? What am I dressing up to impress a waiter- yeahhhh, not going to happen. So I effortlessly pulled out my blue tank top, white button down and a jeans. 

Navya came home to pick me up but she wasn't alone. Navya and  Surabhi came together, Surabhi was a pre-med. She was studying to become a surgeon. They were one of the family friends Navya hung out with other than us, and not to mention Surabhi's mother was a very good friend to my dad's younger sister.

We reached the résto. It was named "The River Stone" with Fish majors. A VIP room was books on the second floor of the hotel. The seating arrangements were very witty.

So as to get full privacy of our talks, I and Navya took the last seats available to one side of this big conference style table. 7 chairs situated to every side of the table, plus a two extra seats to every corner of it. To our unfortunate the side taken by us were the side taken by Uncle and his friends as well. We banged our heads to palm's and sat quietly showing our calmness. It was obvious that Navya was beside me.

As I was staring at a painting- really trying hard to make something productive out of it, something attractive caught my eye. It was HIM. Dressed in a complete shabby manner, he walked towards us-took out a chair and sat on it. He generally wore this blue jacket and black denim that made him look smart. His hair had a thin polish of brownish essence in them. He had slight grey-blue eyes. He was Tall, Fair, Handsome, Mostly a sports guy or so as I could make out.

I scanned him, from top to down and again from down to top to ensure whether I had a teeniest-tiniest possibility that I knew him or seen him before. I could totally see the nervousness on his face- of me staring at me like that. His first instinct was to rub his face with a paper napkin to make sure there was nothing on it. But "you gotta do what you gotta do" as said by a very great personality unknown to my knowledge- so I kept staring. Undoubtedly it was eye-pleasing. I liked what I was doing. But it had to stop. Navya elbowed me in my arm and ordered me not to stare like a pig. I looked at her and looked at my plate, I had hardly eaten anything. Soon lot of food arrived and we all went busy in eating. I knew he was staring at me from the left corner of his left eye and so was I. We both knew something was indeed going on but neither did he nor did I spoke any of it to anyone.

Uncle looked up from his conversation at me and Navya. We both were busy gossiping. He spoke to Voldy aka Sameer a bit and then turned towards me.

"Radhika do you know him, kid?", as he pointed towards Voldy and asked me. I briskly nodded my head to say a no.

"Then meet the Cricket Captain of your college for degree. How come you don't know each other? Aren't you guys from same college?" uncle threw a question at me.

"I've never seen him uncle." I threw back.

"Well. Aren't the classes same for degree and PU?" he asked.

"No uncle, they're different classes in same campus." I answered.

"No. You're getting it wrong. There are same classes as well. And construction is going on for the UGC building." He interfered. I never liked it, but he was right. After all he was indeed my senior.

Some more talks went on some more long time. Twice my phone rung, it was dad once and bro the second time. Now obviously I was full with the food. Apart from some embarrassing stories of how uncle and his friend use to eat the whole hotel out and still be graceful enough to have dinner at home, The dinner was pleasant. We left hotel at 11 pm.

We reached my home corner and Uncle and Aunt bid a goodbye to me. I waved back. Navya on the other hand, hugged me and whispered in my ears," I know your interests" gave me a look and walked away.

Since next day I had college I soon dozed off, staring into the ceiling fan that was rotating. Staring into it, I slowly closed my eyes and was taken over by sleep.

The next Episode of my life starts exactly where we left it, the same morning when I found him in newspaper

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