Episode 4- The Sudden meet

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Episode 4 (Edited)

Until, that day arrived. It was doctor uncle's birthday. I and Navya had been to the library. It was early afternoon. I was damn hungry and Navya was engrossed in looking at some organ of some animal that more-a-like looked like a balloon. 

"What are you so much engrossed in?" I asked casually

 "It's the re-productive organ of cow." She bluntly replied

"Ewww!! Seriously???" I scrunched my nose in disgust, to which she glared at me. I looked at anywhere but her, ignoring her scary gaze. Everyone in the room were so busy- noses in the books and both the sides filled with hoards and hoards of books. It was tiring even looking at them.

Bored out of my guts, I looked at my cell. 25 texts from Jainith. Jai and I were school buddies and we shared the most pure relation ever, that of a brother and sister.  But eventually him being my brother from another mother, we had all the right to speak anything that had to remain between us and only us.

"S'sup buddy?" first text.

"Dude ya dr..?" second text.

"Waiting......" third

"Frustrated, need help Miss, Helpy helper ton.." fourth.

"Dude where ya at man.. Need help" fifth. And followed by a dozen of other such messages. The last one looked like "Twinkle twinkle, little stars...  (Whole song)" generally he typed stupid songs so that I pity and text him back if at all am ignoring him.

"Hey dude! Sorry I am at the library. Kinda have some work to flow along with." I replied.

"Fine man. Wind up soon and lemme know soon. Gotta tell ya stuff" he said.

"yes boss" was my only reply to him. This must be one of the last text's I had sent to him months. He was the only person I could be myself with. This was the time I first realised how badly and to what extent this whole situation had changed me, broken me.

On the other hand when I was fidgeting with my own stuff Navya received another call from her mom. "Yeah mom, yes it's drizzling a bit so we thought we could wait through it. Yes don't worry mom. Rad's is with me and we probably will reach in some time. Yes bye" she said and hung . As I could only here her part of conversation. Navya turned to me, saw me staring at the empty staircase beside us and elbowed me "what's with you?" and lowered her eyebrows to give me suspicious look. "Nothing" I said and got engrossed in reading something. 

Soon she was done with the re-productive organ thingy so we left. Such a crap head she is, tells me in the middle of the road that it is her dad's birthday. Dumbass, as I can mention her. I gave her the disgusted look possible. We moved on to reach her home.

Their home was nothing different than ours. Same old style, but the best of anything. Aunty was ready so soon we left for uncle's clinic. It was just some 30 steps away from my house and some 50 steps from Navya's. Soon we were climbing the steps of the InfoTech building. This InfoTech building had a past related to all of us so it could be called as the hang out place. Besides, by now all doctors had taken over it.

Navya being the elder daughter had her chance here itself. It was obvious she was further going to be the doctor her dad wanted her to be. So she almost knew all the doctors. Soon the building people gathered around in the 3rd floor where uncle's birthday was to be celebrated. They brought the cake. They brought gift. They brought food and beverages. What did I and Navya do? Nothing as usual. We always roamed as the trophy daughters of uncle.

Next as I can state, when we were about to enter the room, Navya came out dancing saying "mom, dad's friends and Sameer has also come" with a wink to me. I went numb for a while and as soon as I entered the room, there he was. Standing with the same grace, same look.  And me? Blank. My heart was pounding at a very rapid speed, as I looked calm from out. All that came to my mind was 'Holy shit, what am I going to do now? Crap man. All this is because of this dumbass Navya, couldn't she inform me early. I am going to kill this asshole'

What had to be done? Should I ask him about his behaviour? Or should I flow with the flow? I was sure he didn't expect me to be there. Neither did I. The feeling I was experiencing was somewhat like 'there is black hole right in front of me. Its gravity is too thick and it's pulling me towards it. But I am very scared of it and trying hard to hold on to something that is dug into deep into the ground, while half of me flying into air. Soon the situation wound up Uncle cut the cake and by now we all had enjoyed every bit of its remains. Later I and Navya left for home. I was so full with the whole situation and not to mention the snacks, that all my desire to eat, collapsed.

I reached home with a full stomach and a heart beating at a rapid speed that I could almost hear it within. I looked at the clock; it was 3-30 pm. I threw myself over bed loosing myself to nothingness. There I was fallen over bed, doing nothing. Staring into the nothingness of what was left of our friendship. Soon sleep took over me as I surrendered to it.

Days passed no sign of his text. Later I found out he was busy preparing for his M.B.A entrance. Navya had seen me despair, struggle, cry for him. But she hardly kept in any of it. She always somehow found a way to take me away from all this. Indeed she was my best buddy. My soul sister.

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