Episode 25 - Forgiving Mohit

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I had to clear things with Mohit. It was either ‘Us’ or ‘No Us’. I thought and thought but couldn’t reach a conclusion. My mind started going back to things that happened. The time wasted over Voldy, which was not so much worth of anything. This time spent with Mohit, loveliest time of all which gave me goose bumps all over when even thought about. I thought of talking to Navya. But she was busy with her college and her newly formed friendships. She kept calling in equal intervals of time, but I decided not to tell her.

Who could I take help from? Sid? No. He is my brother and would probably kill Mohit in his own office. At such times, I remembered Jai. I quickly took my phone and dialled his number. It was switched off. I wanted to meet him and tell him all the crap that took place. I kept trying until finally, he picked up.

“Yo bro, what up?” He said.

“I need to talk to you. Can you come home?” I asked.

“Well. Okay. I’ll be home in minutes” he said and hung.

Door bell rung, I opened the door to Jai. We sat in the living room. I handed him a can of coke and he settled down.

“So shoot. What up?” he said. I heaved a sigh and told him everything. He was not much of a story person. So long story short version generally worked for him.

“So now you tell me. You think he can keep you happy?” Jai asked.

“No jai, I don’t think, I know he is the one. I just don’t want him to take me for granted like before” I said as I curved my palm and held against my forehead.

“Look. Relax dude. All you need to do is punish him, so that he doesn’t repeat it.” He said. He was right, no wonder about that. But, I was very impatient in these cases; I knew I wouldn’t be able to wait for long.

“Jai, when did you come, Beta?” I was lost into thoughts and didn’t see mom entering.

“Hello aunty, I came for a movie. But your daughter has become dull. Ask her to keep herself updated” He said and winked. Mom laughed and turned towards me.

“Radha, we met Mohit and his mom some days before. How come you haven’t mentioned much about them lately?” She questioned. I was puzzled. What was I to answer? She kept staring until I answered.

“Uh! Ma, we had… had a fight Ma. I am… uh… angry on Mohit” I threw back.

“Oh baby. Couples and fights are common. You should know that Mohit’s mom misses you.” She said. He hasn’t told about the whole situation to his mom yet. But, she misses me. I wish Mohit was a little more-a- like his mom.

“So? Meet him tomorrow and sort it out. He is one of the best decisions you have ever made” She said. I looked at mom with blank expression. She really thinks that? I thought to myself.

“Ma? Really??” I asked almost in tears and partly in shock.

“Off course, we all like him not because you made us like him, it’s because of the way he is we like him. The way he treats you like a princess, the way he looks at you like the love of his life, the way he’s protective about you like Sid and dad. It all counts young lady” she said. I kept looking at Ma and finally my lips curved into a smile. I looked at Jai. He had this smirk on his face that told me, ‘See, I told you’. I decided to call Mohit. I picked up the landline and dialled his home landline.

“Hello, Naik residence” A maid spoke.

“Hello. Is Ma there?” I asked.

“Oh. Radhika Ma’am. How are you? I’ll just connect you to elder madam’s room” she said and connected me to her room. “Okay ma’am you are now connected”

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