Episode 9 - Mohit speaks

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Episode 9: (Edited)

Dad and Sid were discussing what uncle had just now said. Such conversations generally took place on the dining table because all were found at this time and all kinds of firings could take place since it was dinner time.

"She really needs to recover a little more dad. Besides, her vitals are good. So let's assume she's getting better." Sid said taking my side, something he did very rarely.

"Yes but what about her calcium? She's weak and might need saline if not taken care of" dad said

"Don't speak like I am not in the room and besides, I am not bedridden. I'll be fine in some more weeks. It's just weakness, nothing much" I spoke in a breath with folds on my forehead. "Now tell me how the taste of this omelette is" and I put a mouthful of piece in dad's mouth and kept looking at him until he told me the taste.

"Seems tasty. How do you make it? I never can make such a good one" dad complimented with a full mouth and smiled.

"Thanks dad. I know you're the best cook" I teased. We ate in a lot of noise. Sid and I were cracking jokes that only we understood and laughed our asses off.

"Seriously, we should be stand-up-comedians" he said and laughed even more. In a while my phone beeped. It was jai.

"Dude, u changed man." First text said. "How could u do this to me, now I'm preggies" next one said followed by other stupid messages, some with songs. He did that to attract my attention.

"Shut up, jai. Tell me what up." I replied.

"I think I'm in love" he texted back.

"Uhh, 19th time in last few months if I m not wrong? Anyway who's the dead one?" I replied.

"U knw me so well, my lady. Seriously, U kept count of it? Soon to cross 100 ;)" he said.

"ha ha. U n ur love. It just keeps on coming, doesn't it?" I replied.

"U got that right" he said and we laughed.

"Dude I gotta sleep. M yet to be cured of weakness." I replied.

"Ya bro. Get some sleep. Oh n off course, get well soon. Sweet dreams" he replied. Jai and I often had this rule 'whatever gender you of, if we're close then we're bros'. And we've been following this rule since birth. While I was replying to jai, mom entered with my tablets and glass of water and milk. I took the tablets and gave every possible excuse of not drinking milk

"Mom no it stinks."

"Mom I am allergic to it, don't you remember when I fell ill and Uncle asked not to give milk?"

"You were 9 year old back then and it was due to excess calcium into your bones" she said

"Mom I've to pee, wait mom" I said and ran away

"Get back her young lady. You're to finish this glass of milk in front of me." She caught hold of me and made me drink the whole glass.

"Mom. Ewww. Seriously." I said and wiped my below nose part and fell over bed. I went towards my phone with one hand and with other I was adjusting my pillow. I plugged into headphones and switched to songs and also logged in onto facebook side-by-side.

After accepting Mohit's request, I hadn't really checked facebook updates. 20 notifications in a row and 2 messages. He almost liked all my clicks uploaded. One from Mohit, off course and the other one was a long lost school friend. Mohit's message looked like

"Yesterday, it was you who waved back? I was just checking whether you were really looking towards me or what. Later I found your Boyfriend walking towards you so I returned to my room"

Was I to reply or not was the question. But just then 'what the hell' came to my mind and I typed a reply which looked like.

"Uhh no you're getting it wrong. He was not my boyfriend; he's my brother's best buddy and I take him to be my brother as well and I waved back. It's not a big deal. I just thought that you knew me from before." I typed in a row.

"Okay lady. Calm down. My bad. I thought it was your boyfriend because he covered you with his jacket." he said.

"Ya well you're wrong. He is my brother and it was not his jacket, it was mine." I said. We both went numb for a while and then he went offline but I was still checking updates from the past day.

"So, are you a student? Or working?" he asked.

"Student, done with 12th" I replied. In matter of minutes I dozed off as I was tired from the whole kitchen. But at about 3 a.m. in the morning I woke up dizzy and was the phone light lit. There were a number of texts from him.

"Oh! That is nice. So have you thought of 'after 12th' or just enjoying vacations" first text.

"Uhh! Did I say something wrong?" second text.

"I guess you dozed off. So goodnight, Sweet dreams. Sleep tight." Third text. I just read them and again slept off. The next day took a twist and i couldn't help but fall in its twist.

 Hey you guys :D so tell me what do you think about mohit?? liking all the getting along thingy :D vote and comment ;)

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