Episode 8 - Mystery man came to light

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Episode 8: (Edited)

The very next day my mystery man came to light. I was on facebook as usual, checking updates. One the other hand I was on call with Navya on cell telling her about last night.

"YOU DID WHAT?" She freaked out as though I had murdered someone.

"I waved back at him" I said in a 'I-don't-see-why-you-freak-out-so-much' voice.

"YOU WAVED BACK AT HIM?" She yelled almost screamed. I sighed, I had no idea why she's freaking out like that.

"Calm down Doc. Why are you freaking out like the popsicle in the winter?" I said. I didn't think it was much of a big deal.

"You do know our city has psychos, right?" She asked in suspicion that always killed me.

"You're over-reacting doctor. Stop freaking out for stuff that is never going to happen." I threw back. I know she was my bestie, but this consoling and caring of hers literally made me feel guilty for no reason.

"Ya as a matter of fact I never expected you to faint for assholes and definitely did not expect you to lose 12 kg's in a flash" she spoke her part.

"Will you shut up already? I did not faint because of him and apart from him there are a ton of reasons which can be attached to my fainting." I spoke in a breath.

"Ya ya. All right. Let's assume you fainted because of sun and empty stomach. Then why were you so disturbed when I fired questions at you about him?" she demanded an answer.

"Look Doc. I really am in a good mood, don't you dare spoil it by reminding me of any asshole." I said.

"That's my bitch" I bet she gave me a wink. "Catch up later with you." She said.

"Ya. See ya, miss me" I said and chuckled. We hung. I was merely scrolling on facebook all this time. Within a second I received a poke. I didn't give much of attention to it.

The very next instant I received a friend request from some 'Mohit Naik' with around 183 mutual friends. I checked the profile out carefully and mostly the profile picture. I found it utterly similar to some face cut I has seen recently. I basically ignored it and moved on to check his cover clicks. I found a car, not properly visible. I moved on to next. It was a 2 wheeler, an activa of blue shade. It still got me thinking as to where I had seen it. In very next click I saw the same girl captioned as "Best sister ever" who rode off from behind me the strange night the other day. I looked at the click, blinking, and in a flow of odds I realised it was the mystery man and that was the same Audi I had seen parked outside his house. That person whom I waved back to. It was him. For matter of minutes Navya's words repeated in my mind. "Psycho, is he?" I thought to myself.


I have this rule of not accepting any friendship request's below 50 mutual friends. This one was 183. How could I not and apart from this we had 80 such friends in common that I knew since kindergarten, all were school mates, maximum of them. I accepted his friend request and shut the computer down. I felt as though I was in Down syndrome. But this was just my stage of depression where I found interest in nothing. I moved on to sleep. Almost 3 hours I was dreaming horror dreams.

It was evening when Sid found me shivering in bed and told mom. It was just weakness from last night as mentioned by Doctor Uncle.

"You're vitals look good but you need a dose of calcium, Beta. If not then this is going to make you weak and tired all the time." He said as he was going through my reports.

"Ask her to take tablets properly and also diet. Her appetite is lowered since a long time, also milk" my mom said as I interrupted her in a lower tone almost hear-able to Doctor Uncle "Mom, not now" I hissed at her to be quite.

"Beta, eat properly or else I might have to keep you on saline." He said looking into my eyes lowering his glasses till nostrils and a raised brow and smiled.

"Mom is just worried Uncle. I'll be alright within no time like always." I said and a huge smile appeared on my face.

As I was leaving the clinic, something attractive caught my eye. It was him, again. As we walked by him I held mom's hand and walked away.

"Ahh. Come on in Sameer" Uncle welcomed him as he opened the door looking back at me walking away. That day, as I walked away I walked so confidently that I left almost all the feelings behind that I ever felt for him. I left free, peaceful, and calm from inside out. We reached home and I threw myself at the couch feeling tired but calm.

"Anyone up for an omelette?" I asked everyone as they were sitting on dining table, discussing.


Hey... hope you guys are liking it. I mean the whole mystery man thingy...???? hmmm. let me know through your comments. do read though. btw, there's a whole lot of topic included with mystery man in it. ;) you guys are gonna love him :D well.  happy reading ;)

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