Episode3- The Feeling

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Episode 3: (Edited)     

 Images from my past were still flowing in around front of my eyes when mom entered the hall. She saw me staring into the news paper like never before "What are you doing? Staring into the newspaper? Gone mad? Or fell in love?" she questioned. The mere sound of 'love' made me go crazy and I froze. For a while I looked at her in part-surprise and part-shock , then replied after few minutes "No mom, thinking of watching a movie with Navya, looking for some good one" I threw back and hid the newspaper.

I was so much in trauma that I could hardly think of anything else or be of some use to anyone. I thought this was a phase and I wished for it to get over as soon as it could, I could only hope for the best. I knew this anxiety wouldn't last long and I was right. This burst out in the evening. Dad was out, mom accompanied him, I was alone at home. All that popped in my brain were flashes of his clothing . His on so handsome face, his eyes as if still staring into me, my soul.  Like this whole situation had taken over my life. I needed a break. I wanted to find him on Facebook, but our desktop was out of order. I couldn't help but curse myself for ruining the computer.

Soon bro came home and I narrated to him the whole computer situation. By now he understood that I was in some kind of trauma, but didn't react to it at that exact moment. He fixed me the computer. By now even his laptop had come and the computer was free from his consideration. It only took my orders. Soon after he finished his data transfer, I took over it. I changed the wallpaper to normal windows style and even installed some software's.  I then took over some songs and then they took over my brain, while the same images were dancing in front of my eyes.  Then the time came, I went on Facebook for a short break. Now chatting was not so much of an issue to me, so I chose to remain unseen often (offline). So did I that day. I searched for his name, and without any second thought sent him a friend request along with a little message that said "hey congratulations, you got selected for this team, I saw you in the newspaper."   Little did I know in what mess I was sinking myself in. But that one thing that pleased me "he is hot and he is on Facebook."

Later that night I again went on Facebook when I saw him accepting my friend request and replying to my text saying "hey thank you, yes I got selected." Many more of such messages went on between us. But one fine day, late at night as usual I had nothing to do so I went on Facebook. Facebook being the only means for me to get away from 'You-don't-do-anything' shit at home, I was always found loitering on the walls of other people. As far as my responsible life was concerned, it was at stake and love life was about to be ruined.

That night as I was again loitering on someone else's wall, a chat window appeared in front of me. It was Voldy. His message looked like "hey girl..!!" now that was him leaving me surprises texts every day. As a matter of fact him being the very kindest person I had ever met from the opposite sex or may be its just that I never allowed anyone to come this close to me. Again some random chat went on between us and as usual we both ended sleeping with text-message box on in our cell phones and only realised it the next day.

Days passed and with time I started getting involved even more. It seemed like this was it, he was the one. But no! Expectations get fulfilled only when feelings are real, and this was fake. Right from the whole feeling thing to the whole friendly conversation. He became very important to me and so did his everything. I took him very seriously. This made me to withdraw from the world and situate in the life of internet, Facebook. I could literally feel myself lose my best friends. My closest friend left me because of this.

In the mean time,  situation reached the worst. He just stopped texting, just disappeared.  Apart from the matches and all, I never saw him, never met him, ever again UNTIL......!!!!

Hope you guys are really liking it.. do let me know :D 

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