Episode 21 - The Disaster Day

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Couple of weeks passed by, college started to gain its pace and so did exams. In matter of days, first internal exam approached. We hardly had done any efforts since it was of 30 marks. None of us took it seriously and we ended up in pain, not the physical one, the pain to see our marks.

“Shreya, I got my license. I look so terribly ugly in it” I said as were approaching the computer lab.

“You got it? Oh god! I am so jealous” she said and we both laughed.

“I scored a 14 in corporate” I pointed to the computer screen. I couldn’t control my laughter and started laughing. Being in my aura, I had managed to make Shreya shameless enough that even she started laughing.

“Okay! We are never repeating this ever again, you hear me?” she said, to which I replied with a nod as we left the college premises while I was busy chatting with Mohit. It had been almost 2 weeks we hadn’t seen each other; I wanted to meet him, hug him again. I wanted to feel his grip around my waist. I thought of giving him a call but he would be in his office and I wouldn’t want to disturb him. I dropped Shreya home and popped out my 2wheeler license out dangling it with a dazzling smile.

“My license” I said in a foreign accent and we both laughed.

It was evening and I wanted to talk to Mohit for once. I was missing him terribly and didn’t know what to do. So I decided to go to his office and meet him up. I told mom about it and she understood the nervousness in me. I got dressed.

“You take Navya with you” she said but I already left.

His office building was a 3 storey, well furnished one. I stopped at the gate and parked vehicle outside the outer gate. While coming, I had packed some snacks for both of us so that we could have this time for ourselves. It wasn’t so much late and I was desperate to see him.

I entered the hallway and climbed to the topmost floor where his office was situated. I entered in and was the reception empty. I decided to wait. In moments, a lady in her early 40’s came up. She sat on the chair wiping her hands with a towel.

“Can I help you miss?” she asked with politeness.

“Is Mohit inside? I want to meet him” I said with innocent eyes.

“And in what possible manner are you related to Mohit sir may I know?” She asked. What would be the answer? I thought to myself when “Ahem, ma’am? I am waiting” she said.

“I am his… his best friend” I just said in a flow of odds. I was panicked and didn’t have anything to tell her. Since she asked me, I figured she hadn’t known about us yet.

She got off her chair and went inside to ask him about me. I tried to text him but no text reached him. I tried calling but neither did any calls got connected. ‘What was he working so much on’ I thought when a girl, young, gorgeous exited the cabin. She seemed like a model or some rich brat or so as I could make out from her attitude. While going, she gave me this look, it disgusted me. ‘What was she doing in there’ I thought to myself.

Mohit was a young and vibrant man. He definitely wasn’t the fraud one but his looks could kill hottest or sexiest women so encountered. I decided to go in by myself but the thought of him being with another woman haunted me. I was staring into the door when it got pushed and the reception lady came out.

“Sorry ma’am. I can’t let you in. Sir is busy with some of our clients intensely working on something huge. So they require privacy” she said. I was listening as I saw the same girl go towards the door. Jealousy engulfed within me.

OMG! it was just a crush!!Where stories live. Discover now