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Before i start this book i just want to explain what MDLB is for those of you who don't know. it stands for mommy dom little boy. So no , he is not an actual baby he is his actual age and so is the momma (Rosie) who looks after him. There will also be smut in this book and i will put warnings on for those of you who only like fluffy chapters. x

I watched Ethan throw his teddy bear up and down while he lay on the couch , his blue blanket covering his naked self.

"Momma I'm hungry" he whined as i washed the plates we had eaten off of less than 30 minutes prior.

I giggled slightly , "Baby we just had dinner , you can't be hungry yet" i said walking over to the sofa where my baby boy lay.

"But i am" he said , dragging the words out

I rolled my eyes as i placed my hand on his forehead. He looked up at me and i smiled

"Okay baby , after bath time ill make you a snack. How does that sound?"

Instead of an answer he gave me a smile.

"Good boy" i said walking to the bathroom to run his bath.

Ethan's p.o.v

"Eth , bath time" momma shouted from the bath room

I get up from my comfortable spot on the couch leaving Teddy to watch Rugrats as i ran to the bathroom.

"Okay baby hop in" momma said while adding more of my pirate bubble bath in

I crossed my arms and sat on the cold tiles and shook my head

Momma frowned at me and asked what was wrong

"Silly momma , i can't get in the tub without Buddy"

She giggled at me while she looked in the bathroom cabinet where all my bath toys are kept and pulled out my favourite bright blue duck

"Okay E , now you can get in"  momma says ruffling my hair

i get up from the floor and get into the luke warm , bubbly bath tub.

I splash about and play with buddy while momma puts shampoo in my hair.

"Stay still baby , we don't want to get shampoo in your eyes, huh?"

"Nuh uh momma" i shake my head slightly not moving it too much so it doesn't go in my eyes.

Belle's p.o.v

I massaged the shampoo into his head as he played with his favourite duck.

"Hey momma look i can make him do tricks!" he practically yelled while throwing buddy up into the air and laughing as he made a large splash going into the water.

I laughed at his sillyness

"Wow that was cool, what else can Buddy do"

"This!" Ethan shouted as he dunked the duck under the water for a little while, he then brought him back up and squeezed slightly , causing water to come out the ducks mouth. Then erupting into fits of laughter.

"Okay lean back so i can get the shampoo rinsed" i say while he leans back in the tub.

Once i was done washing his hair i began on his body.

I took his SpiderMan face cloth and washed under his armpits and around his privates.

"All done" i smiled to myself knowing that sometimes bath time can be a real chore but he was really good this time.

I got his yellow towel and held it out for him to wrap himself into.

He held my hand as we walked across the hall into his baby blue bear themed room.

I went into his closet as he sat on his bed , and i picked out two pairs of pajamas.

"Okay do you want Batman , or spongebob?" I asked holding both options up

"Batman!" he said enthusiastically , pointing towards the pjs.

I then walked over to his dresser and picked out one of his bedtime pull ups

Ethan doesn't wear diapers in the day time but he's wet the bed a few times and it's just easier if he wears one.

Once i had gotten him all dressed and into bed and was just about to walk out of his room he said

"Momma , what about snack?"

I mentally cursed and without looking back said

"Mommas just getting it now"

For his snack i just got him a warm bottle of milk and one cookie because i didn't want him to get a sugar rush right before bed.

I walked back through to his room to see him patiently waiting for me to come back.

"Yummy" he said looking at the feast i held in my hands

I walked over to his bed and gave him the bottle and put the cookie on his nightstand

He started drinking the milk fast and in 10 minutes the liquid was gone.

good thing he's wearing that pull up he may need it

"Momma i ge-" he shocks himself letting out a burp.

He starts to giggle

"Ethan , what do you say?" i asked him

"Pardon me momma" he said a little embarrassed

"Good boy , what were you saying?"

"I get cookie now?" he asked in a very little voice

"Yes you can Ethan." i said handing him the treat

he ate it up quickly and was soon drifting off to sleep after a quick bedtime story

I walked out of his room and whispered

"Goodnight pumpkin" before closing his door and putting on the shower

So this is my first MDLB story and i'm pretty sure it's shitty so sorry. But i really like these stories and am really inspired by preciousdolan  definitely give her book "mommy" a read because it's so good 😉

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