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Belle's p.o.v

I walk out of the bedroom to see Grayson grab his car keys.

"Hey i'm going to work i'll be back tonight , Maddie's letting me move back in so i'll come back and get my stuff" he says rushing off

"Okay gray" i say running the bath as i hear the door closing.

Once the bath is fully run with bubbles , i go into the bedroom to see Ethan sleeping.

I grab some panama's and a pull up for him. And i lay them out on the bed for him.

"Baby wake up" i say.

I pick him up and walk to the bathroom.

"Undies off" i say

"You do for me" he says with his fingers in his mouth like a baby.

I undress him and help him into the tub.

I wash his armpits and private parts while he plays with his toys and mumbling incoherent sentences

i could tell he was super little right now

"Okay time to get out"

He lifted his armpits for me to pick him up and i did

I wrapped him up in his towel and we walked through to the bedroom.

I layed him on his back and took the towel off.

"Do u wanna wear a pull up"

he doesn't reply he just closes his eyes and put his thumb in his mouth.

ok he's very little

I put his pull up and bed pants on but didn't put his shirt on.

"Baba" he says

that's his little word for bottle.

"Okay i'll go make you one sweetie" i say leaving the room.

I quickly make him a bottle and go back to the room.

"Mama!" he yells

I get in bed and he does too , he lays on my stomach and i feed him.

"don't drink too fast"
i say as i play with his hair.

He finishes and i put the bottle on the bedside cabinet.

He starts fussing as i try to pull the blanket over me

"What's wrong?" i ask

"Oh do you need burped?" i asked

He says nothing

I sit him up slightly to pat his back and he lets out a burp.

"Better?" i smile

He nods

We get under the covers before he says


"Huh?" i asked

"Potty" he said

I get up from the bed to get him another pull-up.

"Okay pants off" i tell him

"I can't" he says

I take his pants off and his pull up.

"Why didn't you tell me you had to pee?" i asked

"I didn't know i was going" he says

"It's okay baby" i say

We both get back into bed and fall asleep.

As i'm drifting off i hear the doorbell.

"What now" i mumble as i get out of bed.

I see Maddie and Grayson standing at the door.

I open up and say "Grayson you have a key i literally bought you a key"

"Uh yeh" he scratches the back of his head. "I kinda lost it" he mumbles the last part.

I could sense an awkward tension

"Can you just let us in?" Maddie half asks with a bitchy tone.

"Uh yeah sure come in" i say opening the door further to let them in.

"Come with me" she commands Grayson

"Wait what's going on?" i ask as they both head to my bedroom.

"Oh you'll see" she yells as she's halfway through the hallway

She opens the bedroom door and walks in , me and Grayson follow her.

Once in the room she picks up the baby bottle i left on the bedside table.

"Hmm, i wonder who's this is?" she sarcastically asks

Ethan is still dead asleep at this point.

"Oh look , he's sleeping. Why is his thumb in his mouth?" she asks again with a rude tone. 

"Okay he's done that since he was younger!" Grayson defends

"Oh you still need convincing huh?" she asks

"Convincing of what?" i ask

"That your a fucking weirdo who acts like her boyfriend is her kid!" she yells back at me

I am shocked at the response and stay quiet.

She pulls the covers off Ethan revealing him in his pull up , since i took the pants off when i changed him.

"He's even wearing a fucking diaper!" she yells at both of us

This causes Ethan to wake up.

Baby Ethan Where stories live. Discover now