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Once Ethan was dry and changed we walked back into the living room and i put the tv on.

We all started watching Home Alone.

"Hey guys , i completely forgot i have to cover my friends shift at work" i say standing up.

I had time to get ready but not a lot.

The shift started at 6pm and it was already 5.

"It's fine, i'm sure i can take care of him" Grayson says.

This brought a smile to my face as i walked to my room.

Grayson's p.o.v

Belle just left and me and Ethan are watching Home Alone 2 now.

Ethan hasn't said much but i could tell he was pretty little right now.

"Hey i'm hungry, are you?" i ask

He nods his head.

"What about... pizza?" i say

"Pizza!" he yells

i get on the phone and order two medium cheese pizzas and a bottle of coke for me and some juice for Ethan.

Around 20 minutes later the pizza comes.

We sit on the couch and eat it. Ethan getting it all over his face. Once we were done i was in the kitchen cleaning up the boxes when i heard.


i knew this is what me and Ethan called bottles when we were kids.

"Uh sure , where do i get it" i say searching the drawers when i found it.

I had little cousins so i knew how this went.

I gave the bottle to Ethan who started drinking and i grabbed my soda and we unpauased the film.

About 30 minutes later when Ethan had finished his bottle i hear a faint.


My head turned towards him.

"What?" i ask


"Ethan what is it?"

"nothing" he says with his hand over his crotch.

"Did you piss?" i ask

He started sobbing.

"Hey it's okay, i'm not mad its fine" i say reassuring him.

"C'mon that can't be comfy. " i say and we both stand up.

"Now..." i say looking around Ethan and Belle's bedroom.

"Where do you get you-" i cut myself off when i find them.  

"Here ya go" i hand him one.

He continues to stare at me.

"do you know how to do it?" i ask

he shakes his head , no.

"Okay uh, just come into the bathroom. " i say

once we were in there i say "Take your sweatpants off" as i tried to look anywhere but at him.

"And uh now the pull up"

"Ok" he says

"and put the pull up on like they are boxers. "

"done" he says

"and now your sweatpants" i say

"they're icky" he tells me

"oh shit , uh ok just leave them here we'll deal with them later" i say

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