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I woke up to Ethan coming in my room late last night and couldn't really sleep after that so i just watched tv.

About an hour into yh movie i was watching i heard Ethan's phone going off. Ethan uses his phone when he's not little. 

who could be texting him at this time ?

It's 4am??

I picked up his phone and it read

4:07 : Grayson : Hey bro i know this is a really big favour to be asking u but Maddie broke up w me and she's kicking me out the apartment. I legit have nowhere to stay so would it be cool if i crashed w u and ur girl for a few days till i find a place?

I shake Ethan awake as this seemed pretty urgent. 

"Ethan, wake up" i say

He groans before saying

"What's going on , what time is it?" By his time i could tell he wasn't little

thank god

"Your brother has text you , i think it's important" i say , trying to act like i didn't just snoop. 

Before replying he grabs his phone , he pulls a face as his eyes adjust to the bright light.

He reads the text and says "His girlfriend broke up with him , he as nowhere to stay. He wants to stay with us for a little bit. "

He looks at me before saying "Is that okay with you?"

I nod

I didn't want to ask him about if his brother knew he was little or not because he doesn't like talking about when he little when he's not little.

"I'll text him back and tell him it's fine" he says , typing.

Ethan texts his brother the address of the house and around 30 minutes later we hear the doorbell.

I knew Ethan had a twin brother , he told me childhood stories and showed me a few pictures of them together. But i had never met him. I hope he likes me.

I hear both boys greet each other as i get up from the bed and make my way to the living room where they were.

I see him sitting on the sofa and immediately notice the resemblance between the two.

"Grayson this is my girlfriend , Belle" , Ethan introduces me with a smile.

Grayson gets up from his spot on the sofa to hug me.

"Nice to finally meet you" he says with a smile.

We all sat talking for about 10 minutes before we left Grayson to sleep.

"Do you like him?" Ethan asks , worried , as he got himself under the duvet.

"Yeah , he seems sweet"
i say , kissing Ethan on the forehead before we both fall asleep

sorry this was a short chapter , it was kind of a filler and introduction to Grayson x

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