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Grayson's p.o.v

I woke up to the sound of Belle leaving , probably for work. I felt like i was going to vomit. I got up from the sofa bed and ran through to the only bathroom i knew in the house , Ethan and Belle's bathroom.

I knew i was going to have to walk past Ethan who was probably asleep so i tried to be quite.

I walked through his bedroom and into the bathroom , kneeling down on the floor and emptying the contents of last night into the toilet bowl.

After gagging and spitting over the bowl i finally stood up.

"Momma?" i heard from the other room.

what. the. fuck.

Ethan must just be sleep talking.

I walked through to the bedroom wiping my mouth.

As i opened the door to the bedroom it revealed Ethan sitting up in his bed looking around the room.

When he saw me walk through the door he looked shocked.

"Whats wrong?" i asked confused.

"N-nothing" he replied , he looked like he was about to cry.

"E, what's up?" i asked getting closer to the bed , sitting down on it.

He just continued to stay silent until

"Where's M-Belle?" he asked

"Probably at work?" i said

He nodded his head.

I stood up to walk out since he was being all weird when i noticed the covers were slightly moved to show the bed was.. wet?

And not just wet dream wet , which would still be weird , but it was like piss wet , which is fucking weird.

"Ethan what's that in the bed?" i asked hesitantly

"I-it's , i don't , what's what?" he finally manages to get out.

"I think you've uh, wet the bed" i say scratching the back of my head.

"No, i- thats not true" he says tears visible in his eyes at this point.

"Uh Ethan , your bed and pants are wet" i say

he starts actually loudly crying at this point.

"Bro, what's wrong?" i asked because my 19 year old brother had just wet the bed and is now crying.

He hid his face in his hands mumbling "It's embarrassing"

"I'm your brother , at least you didn't piss the bed in front of your girlfriend" i laugh trying to lighten the mood

Just then i hear the front door opening then the bedroom door.

Shit , i can't let my
brother get embarrassed. This is the first girlfriend he's ever had.

think fast , grayson

Baby Ethan Where stories live. Discover now