Chapter 1

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Lucy's POV

It was a normal Friday evening. We got back from Edolas a few days ago and everyone was excited to see Lisanna again. Natsu's been paying a lot more attention to her lately. I'm sure it's just because they were good friends when they were kids and they just want to catch up. At least I hope that's all.

A certain white-haired mage interrupted my thoughts. "Hey Lucy." Said Mira with a smile. "..."


(Natsu and Gray yelling at each other in the background)

"Huh? Oh hey Mira!"

"What's wrong?" She looked concerned.

"Oh nothing. Just watching Natsu and Gray fight. I think Natsu's trying to impress Lisanna.."

"I'm sure he is. That's not all is it?"

"What do you mean? I'm alright." As I said that a certain requip mage walked over with a piece of strawberry cake.

"What's wrong Lucy?" Erza asked seeing the concern on Mira's face.

"It's nothing you guys. I'm fine." I said forcing a smile.

"If you say so..." Erza said sounding unconvinced.

"I think I'm gonna head home. See ya tomorrow for a mission?" I told Erza hopefully.

"Sure. Want me to pick one out?"

"Go ahead!" I answered as I grabbed my celestial keys and left the guild hall.

The walk back felt lonely, so I called on my celestial spirit Plue.

"Open Gate of the Canis Minor! Nikora!"


"Hey Plue. How are you?"

"puun!" He does a little dance almost falling into the river making me giggle.

"Glad you're doing alright."

The rest of the walk I talked with Plue and tried to enjoy the rest of the day.

Erza's POV

Lucy just left the guild hall alone. That's weird... she usually waits for Natsu to stop arguing with Gray. I walk over to the two bickering mages and grab the salmon haired fire mage by the ear.

"Oww! What was that for Erza?" He grumbled

"Have you spoken to Lucy lately?"

"Yea. She seemed fine. Why?" He asked in an unconcerned manner.

"I think you need to talk to her. She seems distant."

"She'll be fine. She probably just doesn't understand the excitement of Lisanna being back."

Just then Lisanna walked over. "Hey Erza! Haven't seen you much since we got back from Edolas. I was hoping I could show you some of the fighting techniques I learned that don't use magic." She said excitedly.

"Yeah Erza, they are really cool. She can even almost beat me! That is, when I'm not using fire magic."

He seemed to completely forget why I was talking to him.

"Erza?" They called in unison

"...huh? Oh yea sure. sounds fun."

"Cool!" She skipped away.

She doesn't seem to have changed all that much. Still smiling all the time. Mira and Elfman sure are happy to have her back. So yeah, I am happy too. But that doesn't mean I'm not worried about Lucy.

"I'm gonna go for a walk. See ya." I left the guild and headed in the direction of Lucy's house. It was late enough that there was very little sun light left.

I got about halfway there when I heard footsteps behind me. I didn't know what to expect this late at night, so I equipped my sword and spun around ready to fight.

"Whoa!" Mira held her hands up in a defensive manner.

"Oh, jeez. Sorry Mira. What are you doing way out here?" I asked her. She's usually the last one to leave the guild, and it's usually much later than this.

"I need to talk to you and Lucy. Where you headed there?" she asks panting from running all the way here.

"Yea. Why?" I ask concerned

"I'd rather tell you both at the same time." She said with uncertainty in her voice.

"Ok then... Let's go."

Lucy's POV

I just got out of the bath when I heard a knock at my door. 'Hmm. I wonder who that could be. Natsu usually just crawls in the window and Erza and Gray just waltz in.' I thought to myself. "I'll be right there!" I called as I finished getting dressed in my blue and white shirt, blue skirt, and knee-high boots. I walked over to the door expecting it to be the land-lady reminding me about my rent being due in a few days. I was shocked when I saw Mira and Erza standing outside my door. "uhm. Hey. Wanna come in?" I asked curious about why Erza didn't just walk in like she usually did. 'Maybe it's because Mira is with her? Wait! Why is Mira here?' I asked myself mentally.

Mira interrupted my thoughts "yes please. I need to talk to you two about something important." 

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