Chapter 9

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Lucy's POV

I have been wandering around Masama Village for a while now. I have enough Jewel for a ticket back to Magnolia. I guess I should head back. 'What's the point you silly blonde. They call you weak there. Why would you want to go where your not liked. Besides you caused a close friend of yours to lose her memory of both you and Erza. How could you even face them.' Negative thoughts flooded my mind. Maybe my subconcious was right. Erza's probably upset with me. Mira doesn't even know who I am to be upset with me. When the guild sees what happened to Mira they will hate me even more. Well. So much for sticking around for them. I found a forest and decided to head inside. After a few minutes of mindlessly walking I came across a clearing. There was a small stream flowing from a mountain a few meters ahead. I decided here would be where I would stay for a while. I summoned Loke and we started gathering supplies. After we got some materials, I sent Loke back and summoned Taurus. I had him help me build a small temporary shelter. It was starting to get dark so I started a small fire and washed my face in the stream. I then curled up next to the fire and slowly drifted to sleep.

Mira's POV


A man was standing in front of me with a knife, looking me up and down carefully. "What should I carve into her now master?" The man asked another person behind him. All I could see was a sillhouette.

"Well Mark.." He started, stepping slowly into the light. ".. I say we give her a permanent, deep scar, on that pretty little face of hers. She's already forgotten her friends. May as well maker her forgets herself as well." He finished stepping fully into the light. 'Icarus! Didn't Erza give him to the jail?' I thought desparately trying to get away.

"After all that she can still fight. But does she even know what shes fighting?" Mark said.

His words slowly sank in. 'He's right.. I don't know what I'm fighting for... or against for that matter.' I paused my attempts to get out of my restraints. Then a blonde mage and scarlet haired mage appeared in my head. They were smiling. They looked so happy. 'I'm not entirely sure who they are but I need to fight. I Need To Remember!' I yelled in my head as I continued thrashing.

"Would you look at that. Poor girly wants to remember her friends. The only way to do that is to escape this place." Icarus said smirking.

Icarus started walking up the stairs and Mark slowly made his way over to me. "Let's mess up that pretty face of yours shall we?" He said bringing the cool metal up to above my right eye. I squeezed my eyes shut as he slowly dragged it down across my eye and the bridge of my nose. As he reached my cheek he added pressure. As the knife went deeper into my flesh all I could do was yell.

*End Nightmare*

"STOP!" I yelled shooting up from my sleeping position. My sudden movement started Erza who was looking out the train window at the setting sun. My outburst caused her to requip into her armor. 'Wow, she gets nervous easy.' I thought.

"Mira!" She said kneeling next to me as I tried to steady me breathing.

"It's ok. I'm okay" I said as my breathing finally slowed down.

"Are you sure? I could hear you tossing and turning." She said.

"I was dreaming. I'm okay now."

"You sure. You were wimpering and yelling a lot." She said, her brown eyes clouded with fear.

"Yea. I was just dreaming about being locked up again. And you and Lucy weren't there to save me."

"So you remember us?" She asked hopefully.

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