Chapter 13

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"Erza," Cana said resting a hand on her shoulder.

"Huh?" She said sitting up, rubbing her eyes. Letting out a small yawn, she looked to the brunette.

"It's been two days. You need to eat and get cleaned up. I'll watch her for a little bit." The card mage said sitting next to the bed.

"But what if she wakes up? I want to be here." Erza said looking at the sleeping transformation mage. There hasn't been a fit in two days, so Porlyusica was hopeful, in turn making Erza hopeful.

"I'll call you as soon as she does. If she does while you're gone. Now, the faster you go the faster you can be back." Cana said shooing Erza out of the small cabin in the woods.

"Fine. Fine, I'm going." Erza said slowly walking away, looking back at Mira before stepping outside, heading to Fairy Hills to clean up and eat.

Cana turned back to the sleeping girl beside her. Taking one of her hands she brushed a few strands of hair out of her face. "You better wake up soon Mira. She needs you. More than she would ever admit." She said giving the unconscious girls hand a slight squeeze. Pulling out a book, she did some light reading, glancing at the sleeping girl every once in a while. Every few minutes, Porlyusica would come to check on them, each time grumbling something about 'filthy human's'.


It's been half an hour. Porlyusica was cleaning up and replacing the bandages on Mira's many wounds. Cana had finished reading and was watching the girl sleep peacefully, waiting for Erza to return. She figured Erza would be back soon. She was about to get up to stretch when a slight cough rung out through the silent room. She directed her attention to Mira so fast, you'd think she broke her neck.

"E-er-za?" came a shaky, dry voice. Quickly leaving the room, Porlyusica came back with a small glass of water.

"Drink this carefully." She instructed, bringing the cup to Mira's mouth. Taking a few sips, she coughed.

"Mira?" Erza called from the door. Wearing a grey shirt, and black sweatpants, she ran over to the side of the bed. "You're awake!" She whispered, taking Mira's hand in hers.

"Erza? Where's Lucy?" She asked.

"She hasn't come back yet." Erza said. "Do you remember her?" she added.

"I think so. I had escaped the house, but when I landed, I was in this weird place. Like an ocean, but I was standing on the surface. Then I spent a long time trying to figure out why I was there. I did a lot of guessing, but slowly, bits and pieces came to me. I could make... recreations?... of you guys. As I did that, I thought about the past and how I knew you. Slowly all the pieces fell into place and I guess my memory was restored." She explained

"That's great!" Cana said from the foot of the bed.

"I just need to make sure your wounds are okay, and you should be okay." Porlyusica said.

"Wounds? I thought you got Wendy to help with them?" Mira looked to Erza confused.

"She tried. For some reason it didn't work. She might be able to now that you're awake though." Erza said standing up.

"Shall I go get her?" Cana asked gesturing towards the door, a questioning look across her features.

"Go on," Porlyusica said writing something on a clipboard after examining Mira's abdomen.

"I'll be right back!" Cana said running out. Running as fast as her legs would carry, she made her way to the guild hall. Hoping to find her there, she wanted to get there as fast as possible. If nothing else, she wanted to raise the girl's spirits. Her magic failing to help for unexplainable reasons hit her hard. Reaching the guild hall, she rounded to the back, going in a rarely used door. Lucky for the card mage, Wendy was sitting in a booth in the back. Head resting on her arm on the table, she was making tiny tornadoes bump into each other. Watching the sad girl for a minute, she watched as multiple tiny tornadoes converged and got destroyed simultaneously.

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