Chapter 6

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Time Skip Mira's POV

My quest was to get rid of a guild that called themselves the Bloody Rose. Apparently, they have been terrorizing a nearby village. I have been on a train for about 3 days trying to come up with a plan for how to pull this off. Based on information people in passing villages have told me, a group definitely would have been smarter. I finally arrived at the village just before where there based was rumored to be. 'I guess I'll hang out here and see if they attack anyone tonight.' I thought as I searched for an inn to stay at for the night.

Time Skip

I set up my stuff in the small room. I had just finished my shower when I heard screams outside. I got dressed quickly in a plain white shirt, brown cargo pants, and some boots. (not Mira's usual style but I figured it would work for mission clothes) I ran outside to see what the commotion was about.

Sure enough, there were two hooded figures attacking a small bakery just down the street. 'Crap. I haven't talked to the person who sent in the request. Guess I'll have to take care of these guys then find them.' I thought as I ran down the road transforming into my Satan's soul.

"Hey! Leave them alone" I shouted as they threw a customer out the door. "Get away from here," I told them as I ran inside to stop the attackers. I grabbed the closest one spinning them to face me when the other jumped and knocked me against the wall. "everyone out!' I yelled as I kicked the second guy in the stomach sending him back against the counter while getting ready to strike the first guy.

"Hey, Mark looks like we finally have the fight we've been looking for." The second guy yelled as he pulled himself out of what remained of the counter.

"She sure is feisty isn't she Alex" the first guy responded.

"Yea. Finally some fun around here" said Alex with a smirk on his face.

"Why are you attacking a helpless village?" I asked angrily.

"We're bored. What else are we supposed to do." Said Mark with a chuckle.

"You could try sparring with opponents who actually want to fight instead of scaring helpless people," I suggested.

"Now that's no way to entertain a guild, is it girlie?"

"You're from bloody rose aren't you" I replied.

"Hey, she's pretty smart"

"Yea. Can't let this one get away" they said as they lunged at me, one with fire and the other with some kind of gas.

I jumped to the side making sure not to get hit by the unknown gas.

Sure enough, Alex, the fire mage, guessed what I was going to do and blasted me with a fireball sending me flying into a table across the shop.

"Hey what's that on her leg?"

"I think its a guild mark"

"Isn't that the mark of those Fairytail wizards?"

"I think so! Imagine what the boss will say when we bring one of them back"

"Just when I thought this day couldn't get better!"

'what could they want with Fairytail?' I thought as the gas mage sent a smoke bomb across the shop at me.

The bomb exploded in front of me sending nearby chairs flying. I was able to figure out that the gas was actually poison.

"Silly mage. I can withstand the effects of poison. Nice try though." I said with a grin as I lunged forward punching Alex towards mark sending them both into the far wall.

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