Chapter 15

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The trip to Masama village was uneventful, but the group played games on the train to pass the time. Arriving in the village, they made their way to the outskirts. Splitting into groups of two, they went different directions around with a lacrima in case they needed to communicate. Mira and Erza went South around the village, while Wendy and Cana went North. Carla offered to fly over the village. 

"I hope she's okay," Wendy said, fiddling with the communication lacrima. 

"Don't worry. This is Lucy was talking about. She's fine." Cana said. 

"Yeah. I just hope we find her before she tries something crazy. I know we won't be able to stop her, but maybe we can at least be there if she needs help." Wendy added. 

"Yup!" The brunette cheered. "Come on. There's a mountain up ahead," she added. 

Breaking into a run, the two girls swiftly made their way towards the rock formation.  

"Hey, that looks familiar!" Wendy cheered. 

"Shall we start climbing?" Cana asked 

"I think there was a path over there," Wendy said pointing past a few trees around the base of the mountain. "If we take that trail, we should get a better vantage point." She added. 

"Alright! Let's go." Cana cheered as the duo continued running. Making their way up the mountainside, the two girls were able to see more of the forest and the side of the mountain. 

After a few minutes of running, and a tad bit of climbing, they made it to the summit. Looking out over the forest, Wendy made her way to the edge.  
"What are you doing?" Cana asked watching the small girl get closer to the edge. 

"She was climbing here." She said looking out over the edge. 

"Huh?" The brunette asked stepping closer to the edge. 

"That's her tent. And there's the ledge I watched her from. She saw me... she yelled at me to go away on that ledge right there." She said pointing at the different ledges as she spoke.  

"Let's look around up here. Maybe we can figure out where she went." Cana said placing a hand on the smaller girl's shoulder. 

"There's a stream over there. She probably stayed close to it in case she needed Aquarius." Wendy said following the small river. Following close behind, Cana watched for any signs of the blonde's being there. 

"I'm going to call Mira and Erza. We know where she was, it'll speed up our search." Wendy said taking out the small clear ball. Slowly glowing a soft blue-green, they waited for their friends to appear. 

Mira was running close behind Erza as the made their way through trees and large bushes. Searching everywhere for any sign of Lucy was proving more difficult. 

"Wendy said she was on a mountain," Mira said slowing down. 

"Crap. There aren't any mountains on this side." Erza said, stopping to catch her breath. 

"Maybe we should go find Cana and Wendy. There's a mountain in the direction they went. Maybe she was there." Mira said resting against a tree. 

"Good idea," Erza said as the communication lacrima started glowing a soft blue-green color. Removing it from her pocket, Mira answered. Wendy's face appearing, she smiled at the young girl. "Any luck?" She asked. 

"We're at the mountain she climbed. We could see her tent on one of the ledges. We are currently following a river that goes down towards the village. We think she followed it." Cana said in the background. 

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